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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectSo, WILL SMITH is more ARTISTIC than JOHNNY DEPP
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=475742&mesg_id=475742
475742, So, WILL SMITH is more ARTISTIC than JOHNNY DEPP
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Sep-14-12 12:41 PM

Hi PTP. How are you? I'm doing fine, thanks for
asking. No cussing or screaming from me today.

I'm happy. Life is john blaze. : )

Okay, so its abundantly clear that Johnny Depp isn't
the acting purist or pure artist that Will Smith is. Odd
when you consider that Depp got his start as an actor,
while Smith had to grind his way to the top starting out
as a rapper.

Now, I realize that Will Smith is to PTP what 50 Cent
is to the Lesson, but bear with me:

Smith takes way, way, more risks.

Smith rides the nuts of way, way, way, fewer
established artists and filmmakers.

Smith's films have faaaar fewer gimmicks

Smith stars in films with far fewer *other* stars.

Smith exerts creative control over his projects in
a way that's at least commendable.

Smith has ascended the Hollywood ladder, funding and
bankrolling interesting and innovative projects.

I'm not going to focus on TALENT here. Nor is this
discussion about 'bers', because that's no discussion.

This is about artistic integrity.

To Depp:

Depp is currently about to sign on to do a FOURTH
film based on a Disney amusement park ride:


Depp just did 'Public Enemies', which was not risque or
artistic. It was a good gangster movie and it had
Christian Bale in it. Mobster biopics tend to do

Depp just finished ANOTHER Tim Burton remake...LOL...
(Alice in Wonderland) where he'll be smiling/frowing and acting
like a fucking weirdo for 100 minutes (odd how people criticize
Keanu Reeves and Will Smith for acting the same in every movie,
and ignore Johnny Depp for doing the same thing...Depp's range
is actually pretty pathetic...besides the point, though).

Depp did that 'Imaginarium' film, but that one
has Heath Ledger in it, which is a huge gimmick, and
he wouldn't have bothered were Ledger not in it.

Depp did to 'the Libertine', and good for him.

All in all, Depp seems to be doing more commercial shit
as his career movies along, and does nothing to further
the craft by doing truly underground stories, or challenging
the status quo in any way on a consistent basis. He does TV
cameos every once in a while, and good for him.

He pretty much either plays a nut case, or that serious face
slow drawl bullshit that he does, like in 'Finding Forever'.

He generally has other big, big, stars in films with him,
and rides the creative wheel of Tim Burton in big budget
remakes, most of them terrible(like 'Chocolate Factory')


What's Will Smith been doing?

I know you guys like to nitpick 'I Am Legend(unfairly,
again, mostly because Will Smith is in it)', but you do realize
that it was a *huge* risk that was potential flop: it was a sad,
dark sci fi/horror film, starring a guy that white people like to
see swoon and smile. Not to mention the Bob Marley themes, which
were 100% Will Smith.

(Note -- Will Smith and Denzel command paychecks for showing
their STRENGTH, not their weaknesses...white people like to see
niggas command shit, not be sad...white people don't really
empathize with black pain, which is why you'll never, ever, ever,
see black Erin Brokovich on the big screen...white people don't care)

Interesting how Smith continues to pick roles that show weak,
broken, sad characters:

- I am Legend, Pursuit of Happyness, 7 Pounds <--all had
disturbed characters.

Hell, even his goofy 'Hancock' was a huge risk that could
have easily flopped. He's not smiling and grinning in the
movie. He's a mad black man who flies around and fucks
shit up. I mean, goddamn.

The fact that 'Hancock' did huge numbers is not my point

We all know Smith cannot be beaten in that category.

I'm talking about ART.

And what about production?

How about producing 'The Secret Life of Bees?'


^^A film starring a bunch of black women. Huuuuge risk. Did
decent numbers, and had critical acclaim. Wouldn't have
happened without Will Smith.

And Y'all do know that Smith is about to do this shit,
right ?


guaranteed to make white people extremely mad.

I don't know or care if it'll do 'bers

Its a huge risk from a guy who has all the money in the world
and could easily sit back, smile, and continue to make films
that make your girlfriends cross their legs sitting in the

I know it stings, but this is a movement -- PTP will
stop being automatically mad at Will Smith.

Hell, soon I'll have y'all admitting that 'I Robot' is
the best Sci-Fi film of the 2000s(it most certainly was),
and admitting that 'Moon' was boring bullshit.


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