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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectUpon Further Review: The Shield...obvious spoilers inside
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=460073&mesg_id=460073
460073, Upon Further Review: The Shield...obvious spoilers inside
Posted by sithlord, Wed Jul-01-09 04:18 PM
I recently got the urge to revisit "The Wire", but instead opted to start buying the seasons of "The Shield" on DVD. Best Buy's got all except the final season for $19.99, BTW.

I blew through Season 1 in a week and am in the middle off Season 3, having just watched the episode where Dutch kills the cat after his interview with the cuddler rapist.

The foreshadowing and foundation of the fraying relationships between Shane, Vic and Lem are all over the place. You can see the exact moment where Shane decides which side he's on between Vic and Mara (it happens in this episode) and also where Lem completely loses all respect and tolerance for Shane (also in this episode) that more or less sets up his ultimate fate.

I wondered how well this show would hold up on repeat viewings, and I'll go on record as saying that it's holding up pretty damn well so far. I'm looking at everything differently since I know how everyone ends up and all of their fates are pretty obvious now. This show might have just leapfrogged "The Sopranos" for me. But I haven't bought those DVDs yet cause that shit still costs way too much.

Anyway, Season 4 is the Glenn Close season and Season 5 and 6 are Cavanaugh. We'll see how that goes. If this post doesn't disappear, I might post reviews of each season as I complete them, meaning I'll have to catch up on Seasons 1-3.

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