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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectI'm still not sold on Aubrey Plaza
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=445439&mesg_id=447263
447263, I'm still not sold on Aubrey Plaza
Posted by ZooTown74, Mon Apr-20-09 04:23 PM
She looks cute and all, but if all they're going to have her do is sit around and pout like a disinterested twenty-something, then they're wasting time, hers and ours...

Overall, I think a big problem with the show is that the setting just isn't relatable... The Office mainly works because the setting is obviously relatable to anyone who has done time in a cubicle, as well as dealt with the motley crew of characters that comes with the gig... this show is tough to get into because (aside from the fact that the jokes are chuckle-worthy at best), the setting is hard to relate to...

On a base level, we understand Poehler's character's frustrations with trying to get stuff done, and thus we emphasize with her situation, but when her struggle is taken in context with this larger political setting, it's just not working... we just can't relate to having to deal with the literal political bureaucracy that's seen here... and the documentary format isn't helping matters... this should have just been a single-camera show, maybe with some voice-over ala Scrubs...

And I've already detailed my irritation with the one-note "I think I'm cool by using 'urban' slang" joke that Aziz has been using in everything I've seen him in lately... I don't know if that's his schtick or not (have not seen any stand up from him), but it's gotten pretty old, pretty fast... Though I will say that he wrote a side piece for a feature on Amy Poehler in Entertainment Weekly that was the funniest thing I've seen from him so far and it didn't rely on the shtick that he's been using in everything from this show to Observe and Report (and that other upcoming movie that I'm nervous to mention because of the confidentiality agreement that I had to sign before seeing it)...

All that said, only 2 episodes have aired and the hope is that it finds its groove soon...
He is stupid
But he KNOWS that he is stupid
And that almost makes him smart
Let's listen