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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectBetween the three seasons who do you think would win
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=430868&mesg_id=439126
439126, Between the three seasons who do you think would win
Posted by JungleSouljah, Fri Mar-06-09 10:55 AM
a Tournament of Champions?

I think Quest could take it.

I never thought that Super Cr3w was the far and away best group in Season 2. I rode hard for Fanny Pak. They were always mad energetic and supremely creative. I will say that in the online videos I caught of the tour Super Cr3w put together a much better performance than Fanny Pak, which I'll assume has a lot to do with the crossover with Knucklehead Zoo and their participation in Battle of the Year in 2006.

I go back and forth on JabbaWockeeZ. Sometimes their shit is so clean and looks so damn good. And other times... I'm just not that excited by what they're doing.

I'd be interested to see what a 10 minute Quest performance would look like.