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433490, picks © Ceej
Posted by Ceej, Wed Feb-11-09 02:16 PM
Best Picture
5. The Wrestler
4. Frost/Nixon
3. Slumdog Millionaire
2. TDK
1. The Reader

Best Director
5. Darren Aranofsky-The Wrestler
4. Ron Howard-Frost/Nixon
3. Danny Boyle-Slumdog Millionaire
2. David Fincher-The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
1. Chris Nolan-The Dark Knight

Best Actor
5. Mickey Rourke-The Wrestler
4. Frank Langella-Frost/Nixon
3. Sean Penn-Milk
4. Colin Ferrel - In Bruges
5. James Franco - Pineapple Express

Best Actress
5. Meryl Streep-Doubt
4. Angelina Jolie - Changeling
3. Sally Hawkins - Happy-Go-Lucky
2. Anne Hathaway-Rachel Getting Married
1. Kate Winslet-Revolutionary Road

Best Supporting Actor
5. Heath Ledger-The Dark Knight
4. Michael Shannon-Revolutionary Road
3. Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Doubt
2. Michael Sheen - Frost/Nixon
1. Eddie Marson - Happy-Go-Lucky

Best Supporting Actress
5. Kate Winslet - The Reader
4. Amy Adams - Doubt
3. Viola Davis - Doubt
2. Marisa Tomei-The Wrestler
1. Taraji Henson-The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Best Adapted Screenplay
5. Frost/Nixon
4. Slumdog Millionaire
3. The Dark Knight
2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
1. The Reader

Best Original Screenplay
5. The Wrestler
4. Milk
3. In Bruges
2. Happy-Go-Lucky
1. Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Best Cinematography
5. Slumdog Millionaire
4. The Dark Knight
3. The Reader
2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
1. Changeling

Best Visual Effects
5. TDK
4. Iron Man
3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
2. Wall E
1. The Happening