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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRE: DOUBT
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=423462&mesg_id=424480
424480, RE: DOUBT
Posted by Pamalama, Wed Dec-31-08 07:57 PM
I enjoyed it. The performances were great!

However, I took away a different meaning of Sister Aloysius' doubt. I thought she was doubting her faith in God and the church...like how can I serve a church that would give a promotion to a man capable of this? I can't see her crying over Father Flynn for any reason. Not to mention, she had seen this type of stuff before.

I also can't imagine Aloysius telling Mrs. Miller that Donald was being molested if she wasn't certain Father Flynn did it. Getting the parents involved would be the last thing you would do because of the negativity it would bring to the school's reputation. I mean, this was still the 1960s and women and their input wasn't greatly respected, so she was putting herself way out there to be doubtful of her suspicion. This is why I thought her doubt was with the church itself and not her belief in the alleged abuse.

Having said all that, I was rather surprised she still had a job with the church. I thought they would remove her.

It also amazed me that Sister James was the only young nun there. Every other nun had to be over the age of 60. That's got to be hard.