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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectAbsolutely brilliant script and performances
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=423462&mesg_id=424301
424301, Absolutely brilliant script and performances
Posted by LA2Philly, Tue Dec-30-08 08:21 PM
The dialogue was so sharp, and my goodness was the delivery on point. One of the best all-around cast performances I've seen in awhile.

I mean Meryl Streep and Hoffman were absolute heat-rock esp in their interactions in the office, Amy Adams was fucking excellent esp when you see her oscillating between the two styles of the lead characters, and Viola Davis was very very good, a critical scene and one that just has so many complexities to it, but she handled it so well.

I enjoyed damn near every minute of....and I loved the open-ending. It allows for the discussion of so many more important themes, rather than simply everyone talking about Meryl Streep being wrong or right.

The nuances of the acting, esp Streep's facial expressions, were incredible....the performances were so completely brilliant imo.

Lastly, anyone else think the kid looked just like Andrew Bynum? lol