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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectOh, my post says nothing for its quality
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=421903&mesg_id=421992
421992, Oh, my post says nothing for its quality
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Dec-18-08 06:09 PM

Oh, no.

They didn't fuck?

It ain't realistic then.


>writer too much of a pussy to make the protag anything but a
>"good guy" victim. he did a lil innocent flirting and now a
>crazy bitch tryna ruin his life? sure.

Hmmm. I mean, you ever worked with white women, Bags?

Okay, neither of us are "good guys" but goddamn.

>no sex scenes


>ali larter as the crazy white ho...as subpar a working actress
>as there is today


>the white female detective who sides with the white ho in the
>beginning, but who is sure to become hollywood colorblind and
>help the innocent black man and his fam in the end. i wouldn't
>doubt that SHE kills the bitch, because God forbid someone
>black does.


>it's gonna be a disaster...and i'mma be right at union station
>the friday it drops, smiling.

I ain't even know niggas still watched movies over there.

I used to see movies there then suck on some titties
outside. Lots of little places to sit and suck titties
at Union Station

Give a nigga the 411 on inauguration jumpoffs too, dunny


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