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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectinteresting notes
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=417509&mesg_id=418090
418090, interesting notes
Posted by forte, Wed Dec-03-08 11:48 AM
Gambit's body, as a living generator of bio-kinetic energies, possesses physiological attributes adapted for constant motion. As a result, his mutation has increased his body's innate physical qualities ( such as speed, reflexes/reactions, stamina, agility, flexibility, dexterity and balance) to the very limit of natural human capability. This also creates static interference around him at all times making him immune to telepathic probes, and at the peak of his powers, this grew to become a constant ambient bio-kinetic aura around his body which neutralized all other mutant powers which involved direct physical contact upon his person, allowing him to make direct skin contact at last with Rogue, enabling them to finally physically consummate their romantic relationship.