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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectCopied and pasted as I said before
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=414763&mesg_id=414936
414936, Copied and pasted as I said before
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Nov-18-08 01:57 AM
>>Let's forget that Veidt kidnapped scientists and artists and that's what the Comedian happened upon, setting up his death. If you take that away... no biggie. I don't like, it, but okay... do you.

But the new idea is stupid as fuck. Doesn't matter where the planted nukes go off. Manhattan is an agent of the US government. If he were behind shit blowing up across the world.... even if the US was a target, the rest of the world would blame the US.

Fucking stupid. This better be a sleight of hand move to "conceal the ending."<<

Alan Moore is right to fucking hate Hollywood. Why fuck with established brilliance?