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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRE: Oceans 11/12/13
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=399819&mesg_id=412056
412056, RE: Oceans 11/12/13
Posted by SankofaII, Mon Nov-03-08 06:34 PM
>Fun characters.
>Cliche'ed badguy.
>Incoherent plot.
>Not a bad movie, just not a good one. I do like the Johnny
>Quid character tho, so Im hoping (and its doubtful) that with
>the sequel they take it somewhere else as opposed to just
>solid young hip english actors chewing up the scenery.


it had the potential being good, but ritchie dropped the ball...certain characters got short shrift (what was mumbles storyline? why was stella willing to play with crime bosses money with NO regard for her own life/safety? what was the point of roman and micky, etc.)

i liked it...just not as much as lock, stock.

honestly, tony kebbell (johnny quid) stole the fucking show...tom wilkinson was in top form, and thandie newton really is sex on a stick and was able to do A LOT with little...and she was getting a lot of praise in interviews i read.

her chemistry with butler was on point and im hoping that is explored in the second film...IF stella survives the movie (the ending was quite open-ended...but, i doubt ritchie would kill her off...or not.)

gerard was ok..but he was eclipsed by everyone else, i think.

tom hardy was unexpected heat rock as Handsome Bob--i SO wasnt expecting him to come out and admit he had feelings for One Two (Butler), but once he did, his interactions with him earlier in the film made A LOT of sense...plus, the fact that everyone knew and didn't care..hilarious.

the dancing scene/party: thandie and gerald--all types of wrong.

good movie...not worth the fawning praise some reviewers have given it...but solid. i'm curious to get the DVD and see what ended up on the cutting room floor...i feel like the movie wasn't complete, etc.