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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectBrolin was brilliant. The movie, though, was not.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=408477&mesg_id=409076
409076, Brolin was brilliant. The movie, though, was not.
Posted by The Analyst, Mon Oct-20-08 12:16 PM
It was interesting to me on some level, because I've been a follower of politics since my pre-teen years, but as a movie it was pretty weak.

What was the point? I understand what Stone's point was, but I guess I'm asking what was the point in trying to make that point?

We didn't really learn anything new about Bush. It doesn't make me think very differently about him - I always thought that he was puppet controlled by Cheney and Rove, and that he did truly believe what he claimed to believe (which happened to be a series of terribly wrong beliefs). He's a simple guy. I never looked at him as Machiavellian in the way that Nixon was and Cheney is. This movie backed all of that up, but so what?

My main problem is that Stone wasted his forum. It felt a little rushed - like they tried to get it out now to capitalize on Bush's unpopularity and the interest in the election. I would have rather had him wait a few years to make this movie, and make it a deeper mediation on Bush's presidency. This movie had a hard time walking the line between farce and serious drama. The famous quotes and misstatements were out of place during serious scenes.

I'd give something in the B-/C+ range.