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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subject1. Wolverine!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=351553&mesg_id=353791
353791, 1. Wolverine!!!
Posted by engineegro, Tue Feb-26-08 03:03 PM
No question about Number 1, the GOAT.

2. Storm - The best X-men leader ever in my opinion. Although I don't care for the with the Black Panther.

3. Rogue - Best badass in the X-universe, male or female. The movie didn't do her justice at all.

4. Professor X - Greatest mind in the whole Marvel Universe.

5. Magneto - So bad you can't help but like him. How many times has he died and been resurrected. I think he may have done it more times than Jean.

6. Blink - Since Age of Apocalypse she's been one of my favorites. I really liked the early Exiles stuff too. I even liked the Generation Next Blink because even though she was weak she sacrificed her life to save everyone.

7. Psylocke - Who doesn't like a fly ass telepathic ninja. I liked her in the Jim Lee days the best.

8. Deadpool - I don't think anyone mentioned him. The merc with a mouth has always been a cool character to me, his books have always been hilarious. Even though it seems like Rob Liefeld was biting Spidey a little bit with the design and personality when he created him.

9. Kitty Pryde - I didn't care for her back in the day but grew to like her. I think the old Excalibur and Astonishing X-men sold me on her.

10. Jean Grey - I had to add her, most powerful mutant ever.

Wow I have a lot of the X-ladies on here, they do kick ass though.

I never really cared for Cyclops so he didn't make it. I guess Beast, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Bishop, and Gambit are my honorable mentions.