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Topic subjectIn no particular order...
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351632, In no particular order...
Posted by Marbles, Wed Feb-20-08 12:37 AM

Rogue- She has (had?) one of the most unique & freshest powers out there. I really enjoyed the fact that she had to carry the cross of stealing Ms. Marvel's powers & memories permanently. That was a great twist but I understand they got more than enough mileage out of it.

Colossus- The big, tough, stoic powerhouse. Always levelheaded.

Iceman- He was criminally underused and still is, IMO. When Emma Frost showed him how he wasn't living up to his potential, I thought he was going to make a come-up.

Banshee- Again, criminally underused. He came into his own when he served as the mentor for Generation X. Too bad that lame-ass Vulcan had to kill him.

Cyclops- This is weird. I've never been a fan of Cyclops but I've come to understand his character and why he is the way he is. He adds a very imprtant aspect to the book.

Warpath- I've always been a fan of his, since he almost murdered Prof. X. His character development has been very down-to-earth and real. I hope they don't blow all of that with this X-Force garbage.

Jean Grey- She always had potential to be a good character but they tied her down by keeping her wrapped up in either Cyclops or another Phoenix story.

Beast- One of the most unique personalities on the team but they've really turned him into a punk in recent years.

Wolverine- I don't love him as much as most people but he brings a lot to the table. I'd argue that he's as much the heart of the team as Cyclops is.

Storm- But I preferred normal Storm. Not overly retconned, African Queen Storm.

5 Most Hated X-Men...

Havok- He's Cyclops lite and always will be. He doesn't have the gravitas that Cyclops does and I wish they'd quit pretending that he does. I hope he stays way out in space.

Longshot- He's just corny and always has been. The Mojoworld stuff is just terrible.

Psylocke- She was OK as a simple telepath but the whole Asian ninja thing was dumb. I hope she never returns.

Gambit- He always came across as Wolverine lite. Oooooohhhh, look at him, he's soooooo mysterious and deadly. He's lame.

Marvel Girl (Rachel Summers)- I hope that the entire Summers bloodline goes sterile. No more hidden brothers or kids from the future or alternate timelines. Rachel was OK when she first showed up as a refugee from Days of Future Past. But she has played herself way out. She can stay in outer space too.


*** MARBLES ***