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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectMost of the stupidity manifested itself in the ticket line
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=285998&mesg_id=286180
286180, Most of the stupidity manifested itself in the ticket line
Posted by alias for mrhood75, Tue May-29-07 06:55 PM
Which is probably why Buck missed everything, 'cause he was hiding in the utility closet.

So, almost every day someone would come up and ask, "Excuse me, when does the 7 p.m. show start?"

Once, the theater was showing the "Pocahantas" Disney movie, and a woman comes up and asks, "Does Pocahantas appear in all of the movies you're showing here?" Yes lady, Pocahantas makes a very special appearance in "Judge Dredd." I promise.

Then I had to deal with the especially loud and often crazy patrons. One time we got multiple complaints about a guy screaming out obscenities and punching his arm-rest during a showing of "I Love Trouble." I mean, I find Julia Roberts annoying too, but damn.

There's other, but time is getting short at work here. I'll post 'em up later.