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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectWowzers. Helluva movie. Sergei Lopez was ridiculoid. Spoilers.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=235153&mesg_id=254770
254770, Wowzers. Helluva movie. Sergei Lopez was ridiculoid. Spoilers.
Posted by jigga, Wed Feb-14-07 05:24 PM
Even after hearing about how dark & violent it was I was still not expecting it to be so brutal. Certainly wasn't expecting so many execution style shootings. That bottle to the face was just as bad as the fire extinguisher to the face scene in Irreversable. Mercedes giving El Capitan the 1/2 Joker smile was pretty rough as well but easier to stomach since he was such a prick. The stiches afterwards tho? Ehhhhh not so much. I'm glad they never really showed the torture scene. And the leg cut (ahem) cut to the next scene just in the nick of time.

Besides all that, this was a tremendous movie. And the violence never felt too gratuitous. It's safe to say that Sergei Lopez has placed himself in that upper echelon of incredibly convincing movie villains. I had only seen him once before in Dirty Pretty Things. He was pretty creepy in that one as well but way more effective in Pan's. I'm glad the baby was a boy because I would hate to see what would've been tha babies fate if it were a girl.

Tough movie to watch at times & not sure if I'll see it again but I think I will since the subtitles caught me off guard. The spainsh language sounds so much nicer than English imo tho so this actually ended up being a nice surprise. I know there was some great cinematography at times but I couldn't really appreciate it completely since I was reading along trying to follow the story.

I loved the music. And the little girl who played Ophelia was quite impressive as well.