3047633, RE: how many spins have you given it? Posted by spidey, Fri Nov-15-24 10:52 AM
3-4. Just very formula imo. Some tired topics too...
Songs I'm diggin... -"Turnstyle" -"Breath Eyes Memory" -"Shalamar" -"Sing Into The Sky"
The rest... "Native Son"-how many times we heard this same beat? "The Confidence of Knowing"-cool I guess, but the singer not working for me... "We Outside"-suffers from wack hook syndrome, beat is dope though... "To The Ghetto"-super average, do we really need this track? Beat knocks though... "Swat"-sick beat, but lyrics not feelin... "Pay Homage"-even this title is sleepy time, just kind of there, super average... "Love For Life"-required love joint...singer not working for me...beat is that flavor. "Steve Austin"-so much more could have been done over this beat...not feeling Diani... "It's Workin"-sounds lazy to me hook wise, beat is slick, but the hook failed it, and made it corny...
Maybe it's just cause I hold Kweli to such a high level due to his incredible early career work...victim of his own success? Again though, the beats throughout are ill...