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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectI kind of don't know how to feel
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3047433&mesg_id=3047552
3047552, I kind of don't know how to feel
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Wed Oct-30-24 10:14 PM
On one hand, it's remarkable that an organization outside of hip-hop decided to honor a rap group, especially given that they are known for their tangential influence on hip-hop music and not for large record sales over the course of their career.

That feels good.

On the other hand, I don't know how Tribe really fits in the RHOF or other hip-hop groups, which are part of the culture of popular music but also weren't ever popular, fit in.

Not that it really mattered, but from the footage it looked like the crowd wasn't overly enthusiastic about their admission, likely because they must be relatively unknown among that organization.

Also, I would have preferred 15 introduce the group or even Dre, who mentioned he was heavily influenced by TLET when making music around that time.

I see why the hall chose Dave because he's marginally affiliated with the group and he's very famous and it looks good on their lineup to have him there. But, as a fan of the group, I never associated him with the group outside of him emceeing the Block Party and showing up at SNL the week Drumpf won.

I liked Tip's acceptance speech and was glad to see Jarobi on stage. It was nice to include Phife's father, although he seemed to be making the moment more about him than his son, which left a poor taste in my mouth. I still haven't looked into why Ali wasn't there. Based on the presence of his relative, I gathered he had a commitment he simply couldn't get out of. Or maybe he didn't give a damn about the RHOF. I dunno, but I would have wanted to get his words or his take on the induction.

The performance was pretty dope and showed how many acts the group influenced and worked with. The medley flowed, and it was nice to see Thought included alongside the other MCs.

Regardless of my other rambling about the induction, this award has a sense of finality. It could be the last moment the group is commemorated in this way.

If it is, it is an unexpected award that, like Tip said in his speech, could have never been anticipated.