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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectWhat is your preference?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3043530
3043530, What is your preference?
Posted by Knowledge_of_Self, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM

Poll question: What is your preference?

Poll result (10 votes)
Indie hip hop (7 votes)Vote
Major label hip hop (3 votes)Vote


3043533, In the streaming era I rarely know what label the album is on
Posted by Oak27, Tue Aug-01-23 09:29 AM
3043537, yeah same here
Posted by Lach, Tue Aug-01-23 03:16 PM
3043553, You can still find out if it’s independent or not.
Posted by Knowledge_of_Self, Fri Aug-04-23 08:08 AM
3043540, in the olden days lol
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Aug-01-23 07:57 PM
it was probably indie or at least something considered underground. it felt like I had a musical secret that other folks should know about.

today, don't really pay enough attention to tell the difference.
3043545, Definitely a majority of major label releases growing up.
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Aug-02-23 12:08 PM
I could probably reach and consider early No Limit, Cash Money, and Suave House shit "indie", but that beautiful LaFace logo and the Bad Boy logo drew my eyes in a record store.
3043554, It’s not a reach…
Posted by Knowledge_of_Self, Fri Aug-04-23 08:12 AM
>I could probably reach and consider early No Limit, Cash
>Money, and Suave House shit "indie", but that beautiful LaFace
>logo and the Bad Boy logo drew my eyes in a record store.

No Limit and similar labels are considered indie.

So it’s the logo that caught your attention to seek out those majors huh?

3043555, I feel like I need more context
Posted by mista k5, Fri Aug-04-23 12:05 PM
I'm probably over complicating it.

When I see a new album listed I don't decide to listen to it or not based on wether it is independent or not (at least not consciously).

I love the idea of an artist being independent because of the control they have and because I figure they actually see a good percentage of whatever money I send their way. Do I go and check to find out if one is independent or not, nope. Many of them let you know they are though.

I don't know if I was ever to worried about what label someone was signed to past middle school. Obviously most artist I have heard of have had major label backing but I don't know if I've ever decided to listen to an album mostly because of who they were signed to.

I do need their music to be on streaming or at least bandcamp to check them out. I'm not really into checking out amateur music anymore. I know there are diamonds in the rough there but it's too much effort. I'd rather be a bit late than have to listen through a lot of music I don't like.

So if you're independent, professional and got the polish to your work I guess that would be ideal.