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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectNew Release Friday 2021-12-10
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3035880
3035880, New Release Friday 2021-12-10
Posted by thebigfunk, Fri Dec-10-21 12:30 PM
Haven't seen a ton on the hip hop/r&b side (at least of much interest around here) but some surprise releases in other areas.

Moses Sumney - Live from Blackalachia
* "live" versions of tunes from last year's Grae along with a few tunes from elsewhere -- there's a film, too: https://youtu.be/LX47qMIw_2o -- I'm 100% here for this version of "Colouour"

Fleet Foxes - A Very Lonely Solstice
* similar to the Sumney record, live acoustic-ish versions of FF tunes, most from last year's Shore but a few from other records + a cover of "In the Morning" (as in the BeeGees/Nina tune). Very quiet overall, save one or two tunes -- quite perfect as winter sets in.

Big Boi & Sleepy Brown - Big Sleepover
* Long awaited but is it at all anticipated anymore? I'll listen and hope for a surprise but those earlier singles were snooze-fests.

Jeff Parker - forfolks
* Haven't listened yet but the single was just him and an acoustic, that and the album art makes me think this is a solo record. So between that and Fleet Foxes, your fingerpicking needs are covered for a minute, lol.

Also, both Cordae and Earl announced records for January. Spring is going to be loaded. A few other things I'll post about later. What else is out there? What you catching up on?


~ i could still snort you under the table ~
3035884, RE: New Release Friday 2021-12-10
Posted by funklectic, Fri Dec-10-21 03:11 PM
new ep produced by Dom Porter and mixed by Eric Lau - always got time for him. This one's got a nice vibe. Features include Children of Zeus and Ayeisha Raquel who is amazing
