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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectPossibly (my) album of the year? Duppy Gun - Miro Tape (jacked up dancehall)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3004237&mesg_id=3004237
3004237, Possibly (my) album of the year? Duppy Gun - Miro Tape (jacked up dancehall)
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed Apr-18-18 02:07 PM

Oh boy, this checks a lot of boxes for me. Dancehall vocalists produced by experimental electronic producers: (D/P/I, Ras G, Ahnnu, Seekersinternational, Jay Glass Dubs, etc.) presented as a two-sided mix.

Duppy Gun has released stuff before, but a lot of it was produced by Sun Araw, and for some reason his stuff is nails-on-the-chalkboard grating to me, even though on paper I should love it.

This is very disjointed and messy in the best way possible. Someone on OKP has to love it like I do, right?