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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectQ: What was that sort of free jazz/rap album released this year?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2999328
2999328, Q: What was that sort of free jazz/rap album released this year?
Posted by stylez dainty, Mon Dec-18-17 01:44 PM
Been meaning to check it out but can't remember the name and my googles have been disappointing. Feel like there was a post about it here. Maybe a female emcee, over some sort of experimental compositions--I think it was jazz, but not sure. Any thing coming to mind?
2999333, Moor Mother / Irreversible Entanglements
Posted by amplifya7, Mon Dec-18-17 01:57 PM
2999334, Indeed. This is it. Thank you.
Posted by stylez dainty, Mon Dec-18-17 01:59 PM
2999335, Nah, thank you - got me giving it another listen
Posted by amplifya7, Mon Dec-18-17 02:08 PM
2999355, Prince Paul joint?
Posted by spidey, Mon Dec-18-17 06:59 PM
There is a another project, believe it was this year, that Paul was involved with and it included some Brazilian musicians...wanted to peep, just got lost in the shuffle...heard it?
2999365, RE: Prince Paul joint?
Posted by spitfire, Tue Dec-19-17 10:00 AM
i think you are referring to BROOKZILL!
