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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectCollector's Edition Re-Releases
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2996768
2996768, Collector's Edition Re-Releases
Posted by SsenepoD, Tue Oct-17-17 03:51 PM
recently saw some of the stuff Get On Down Records & Nostalgia King were releasing/covering & it got me thinking - what makes for a good re-release?

what are some of the best items that made the purchase worthwhile? Was it the music itself or the packaging/additional content?

Once I moved to the East Coast & downsized my apartment, I had to stop picking up this kinda stuff even though it's dope when done well.
2996772, for me, it comes down to the music
Posted by cbk, Tue Oct-17-17 05:48 PM
The Liquid Swords collectors box was cool with that little chess set. But what sold me was the bonus instrumental disc.

And if more sets came with an OG master along with the remastered versions, that’ll get me digging into my pockets.

Oh and I’m also a sucker for exclusive essays in the liner notes.

On the other hand, I saw a clear Illmatic LP (at Newbury comics?) which was cool. But I’m still on the fence with that.