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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: Well...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2928728&mesg_id=2928758
2928758, RE: Well...
Posted by Dupree90, Tue Apr-21-15 11:55 PM

>As far as Jay goes... I'm tired of getting hyped anticipating
>if he'll actually release an album, so I don't really care
>what he's talking about until he releases something.

Dude is really doing the Prestige to us, and I love that shit. It's really cool to see how he keeps anticipation by being so elusive...in this culture of over saturation. Plus Hov is with it, look how long he's been able to stay on Roc Nation without releasing any material.
>Also, it was kind of funny how earnest he was about being in
>Africa. When he told the female host that she was 'the mother
>of all creation', it was a laugh that she told him, "That's
>not me." I guess Black Americans idealize Africa as much as
>mainstream America does.

True, but she sounded dizzy anyway, and the male host sounded crazy. And WTF was the Dave Letterman Funkmaster Flex drop at the end of the interview?!?!?!? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!