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Topic subjectKendrick killed his SNL performance (link)
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2909618, Kendrick killed his SNL performance (link)
Posted by spirit, Mon Nov-17-14 11:59 AM

I like how he switched up the flow/delivery from the studio version. He f--king killed it.

random side note: Something about how Kendrick is delivering his "i" verses reminds me of ODB. The half-finished braids look definitely does.
2909621, first thing i thought too!
Posted by cbk, Mon Nov-17-14 12:12 PM
>random side note: Something about how Kendrick is delivering
>his "i" verses reminds me of ODB. The half-finished braids
>look definitely does.

the braids and mannerisms, most definitely.

2909636, RE: Kendrick killed his SNL performance (link)
Posted by double 0, Mon Nov-17-14 01:24 PM
It was a Method Man reference...

Tical turned 20 on Saturday when he performed..
2909663, i knew he was paying homage but didn't realize
Posted by wrecknoble, Mon Nov-17-14 04:46 PM
it was the anniversary of Tical


i loved the performance, and it made me appreciate the song that much more
2909750, that's dope, I thought he was trying to look like a junkie
Posted by Adwhizz, Tue Nov-18-14 02:02 PM
Based on the message of the song and the frantic way he was rapping
2909868, he sounded more like odb than meth to me with the slurring
Posted by spirit, Wed Nov-19-14 01:28 PM
but I read that somewhere else too.

All good.

Any props to Wu are acceptable props. Ha.


Spirit (Alan)
2909652, RE: Kendrick killed his SNL performance (link)
Posted by spidey, Mon Nov-17-14 03:10 PM
...I guess if you were looking for some black punk type steez it was good, other than that, just not impressed...to each their own...
2909654, Lulz
Posted by mrshow, Mon Nov-17-14 03:28 PM
2909719, LOL
Posted by Brother Rabbit, Tue Nov-18-14 07:13 AM
2909723, -____________________________-
Posted by fire, Tue Nov-18-14 09:15 AM
2909882, inbox n/m
Posted by betelgeuse, Wed Nov-19-14 02:52 PM
2909806, my dude....did you watch the entire clip?
Posted by Stadiq, Tue Nov-18-14 11:36 PM

Be honest Spidey...

Because your comparison makes no sense. It's definitely not "black punk steez"

I'm honestly curious now what gave you that impression?
2909811, RE: my dude....did you watch the entire clip?
Posted by spidey, Wed Nov-19-14 01:08 AM
Listen man, I think dude is talented, just don't think he is the second coming like so many do. To each their own…. I watched the episode live that night, and again in the og post. There is just so much other ish I'm on right now that I think is so much doper. Can't deny dukes energy and passion, glad you enjoyed the performance….
2909878, So, no, you didn't
Posted by mrshow, Wed Nov-19-14 02:14 PM
Thanks for contributing!
2909898, LOL!!!
Posted by Hellyeah, Wed Nov-19-14 04:22 PM
2909869, I missed the part where black punk rockers rapped
Posted by spirit, Wed Nov-19-14 01:29 PM
I liked the performance because he was rapping well. WTF are you talking about? Black punks?


Spirit (Alan)
2909910, i think he's just callling him a punk
Posted by Hellyeah, Wed Nov-19-14 06:51 PM
2909655, Best SNL perfomance in a minute
Posted by mrshow, Mon Nov-17-14 03:32 PM
2909804, St. Vincent was better. But if you only listen to rap you'll disagree.
Posted by Kid Ray, Tue Nov-18-14 11:17 PM
That guy Prince was better too.
2909861, RE: St. Vincent's performance
Posted by cbk, Wed Nov-19-14 12:59 PM
i absolutely loved it. but i'm a huge st. vincent fanboy, so...you know.

but i was laughing my ass off at the twitter response to her performance. lots of people were SO PUZZLED by annie's look, sound, choreography, etc. they were totally turned off and were questioning if it was really even music, acting like it was the weirdest shit they've ever seen. i was like "you fuckboys need to expand your listening habits!"

2909671, Anyone hating on this song is dumb. The end.
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Nov-17-14 05:29 PM
2909705, ^^^^^^yep
Posted by realityrap, Mon Nov-17-14 11:01 PM
2909730, It's grown on me a lot
Posted by dalecooper, Tue Nov-18-14 10:33 AM
I wasn't hating exactly, but I was lukewarm. The more I've heard it, the more I like it.
2909740, that performance went a long way in helping me "get it"
Posted by Tiger Woods, Tue Nov-18-14 12:57 PM
it's intended to be a spiritual "hang in there" anthem, and that energy really came through
2909735, What about people that don't like it?
Posted by 13Rose, Tue Nov-18-14 11:29 AM
What about them?
2909711, Best SNL performance I've seen in a loooooong time.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Tue Nov-18-14 01:37 AM
He put his soul in that.
2909715, That was great.
Posted by denny, Tue Nov-18-14 03:49 AM
That was Canadian Chantal Kreviashcuk playing piano on the second song. I had exactly ONE gig with her around 15 years ago. He musta hooked up with her through Drake cause I heard he hired her for the some writing/studio work a couple years ago.
2909748, amazing. n/m
Posted by sweeneykovar, Tue Nov-18-14 01:49 PM
2909753, It was cool. Once again y'all hyped it up way too much.
Posted by Kid Ray, Tue Nov-18-14 02:14 PM
There was nothing amazing about this but it was cool overall.
2909795, damn, what does impress you then?
Posted by Tiger Woods, Tue Nov-18-14 10:20 PM
2909803, Come on now this is not the end all be all of live performances.
Posted by Kid Ray, Tue Nov-18-14 11:13 PM
I've seen Kane, KRS, The Roots, Q-Tip, Heavy D, Slick Rick & Doug E Fresh do they thang on stage. Shit Hammer still gets busy live. So overall it was cool it didn't wow me, solid performance.
2909805, No one said it was....just that it was dope. Don't take it
Posted by Stadiq, Tue Nov-18-14 11:33 PM
so seriously.

And no need to list the greats you've seen live to somehow validate your opinion.

You've seen those peeps? Cool. I have seen some of them too. The hell does that have to do with anything?

That's that good hate seeping in. Let the negativity go. You are all in this thread multiple times like you are defending something. Why are you checking back so much? It's weird.

People thought it was dope. That's it.

You didn't feel it. Okay, that's strange but to each his own. The strangest thing is you keep coming back in this thread dropping names of rappers and other artists you enjoyed live to somehow prove your opinion is better than ours.

Sh!t now that I type it all out you are kind of a weirdo.

2909809, The response I got was damn what impresses you then
Posted by Kid Ray, Wed Nov-19-14 12:14 AM
I let it be known, so save the temper tantrum.
2909870, Hammer assuredly can't rap that well
Posted by spirit, Wed Nov-19-14 01:30 PM
I gauge rap live performances primarily by how well the rapper in question is rapping. Shocking, I know.


Spirit (Alan)
2910034, i thought it was more than great...
Posted by spitfire, Thu Nov-20-14 07:36 PM
this was pure soul power.

dude gave his all. wish more cats would spit with this kind of passion and vision.
off the top of my head i can't think of a television show performance from a rapper
that impressed me more than this display of intensity. it transcended Hip Hop.

maybe thats why some of yall are mad.
2910036, ^my thoughts exactly...no overhyping it
Posted by amplifya7, Thu Nov-20-14 07:43 PM
it was great.