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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectSilk Rhodes (New Stones Throw artist).
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2896559
2896559, Silk Rhodes (New Stones Throw artist).
Posted by antoniovaladez, Wed Aug-13-14 03:36 PM
Love these guys! Vintage sound and musically all over the place!
Heard the song "Pains" and fell in love with them.

Peep : http://blogs.kcrw.com/musicnews/2014/08/silk-rhodes-artist-you-should-know/
2896565, Yep -
Posted by quikfit, Wed Aug-13-14 03:59 PM
Heard them first on the ST Doc soundtrack.
Just Dl'ed the new track last night via Drip.fm
Interested to hear more.
2896568, let me guess...
Posted by febreeze, Wed Aug-13-14 04:26 PM
White guys who look like virgins who convincingly make Black music that sounds like it's from 19xx?
2896889, damn sounds nice this is definitely a repeat
Posted by boyd, Fri Aug-15-14 04:48 PM
2910075, Full album stream
Posted by quikfit, Fri Nov-21-14 09:24 AM
ST has their album up via soundcloud.


Honestly, I was interested after the tracks from the 45, but now..... going to need a few more listens but not feeling it as much as I thought I would.