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Topic subjectOKProducers CHOPS14 - 3rd Quarter
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2890705
2890705, OKProducers CHOPS14 - 3rd Quarter
Posted by _Torchbaras, Sun Jul-06-14 04:55 PM

Time to dust off that trusty ole hardware, beat the pads, twist the knobs, click the mouse - whatever it takes for yall to bang out that SUMMERHEAT!!!

This months beautiful source is provided by Rose Royce, Golden Touch, and thats exactly what it is!!!



Looking forward to hearin the goodness, do my best to 1 up the competition!!!
2890870, I Def need to participate this go round.
Posted by darius heyward bey, Wed Jul-02-14 07:22 PM
2891262, Do it!!!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Sun Jul-06-14 04:53 PM
We need more people.

From what I remember youve got some trunkrattling 808s and doubletime hats so thats an immediate +1 for diff., since nobody else seems to be workin them around here!
2891219, Hey, hey, looks like I'm first
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Sun Jul-06-14 07:56 AM
What's up Torch and everybody. What's good? Summer is officially here. I go back to school on August 11th, so that should give me some time to put in some good work on my album(s).

I had a chance to work on music today so this was perfect timing. I didn't sit on this overnight like I usually do, so I'll probably find some problems with it later on.

Besides the drums everything is from the sample source. I chopped up two breakbeats and layered them with two hi-hats, and I used 3 kicks and 1 snare drum on top. I EQ'd out the highs of my main music section a couple of times and rearranged it a little for the bassline. So basically I chopped things up and added a little reverb, EQ and delay, that's it.


Herb-One "The One & Only"

2891265, DAMMIT!!!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Sun Jul-06-14 04:57 PM
...beat me to that #1 spot lol...

Good to have you back man, been a looong 3 months!

Im on extended vacay too, great to be able to focus solely on family and music... Hell, theres even time to be picky bout my beats again hah!

Hope you get around to finishing those albums, and the end results dope, lookin forward to hearin that...

Now, for the music -

You know, this might be the most POSITIVE vibe Ive ever come across in the beatoffs -

Like, seriously, this reeks joy, no worries, summer is here, windows down type ish!

Late 80s/early 90s breakbeat drums be straight nostalgia, lil too much rhythm to my taste, but it really is a great carrier for this kinda melody!

Heavy string chord at the end of each loop takes the cake - you know how sometimes, a single chop can lift everything else to new heights - thats IT right here!!!

Loved how you let the guitar breathe just before the (unexpected) breakdown, which was hella dope BTW, even tho it was faaar removed from the main piece vibewise...

All in all, great 1st to set the pace and the mood for this summer, SALUTE!!!
2891421, Yeah, yeah.
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Mon Jul-07-14 08:20 PM
Usually I'm 2nd or 3rd, but it's been quiet around here. Thanks, I just have an ungodly amount of mixing and editing to do, and I'm just procrastinating. It would be great to be able to put out some new music though. I still need to make a website too.

Thanks man, I really appreciate the feedback. I'm also not sure about the drums. I thought about taking out or mixing down the main break, but then just left it. I also just got really lazy about it after I made it. It's only a 1 bar loop, so I think it would work better if I brought it in and out of the song or stretched it out to a 2 or 4 bar pattern and made it a little less busy.

The breakdown was just extra. I still had that "and you" chop and wanted to use it. I think it would work though. I was thinking the song is introspective and positive and then I would start complaining about somebody for a second and then drop it and tell myself to forget about that person. I freestyled some gibberish along those lines and I think it has potential.
2892118, iite
Posted by judono, Sun Jul-13-14 07:19 PM
first.. props on chopping up some drums. they have nice uptempo movement.

i like what you did with the bass sample and how u were able to get it to knock in your mix.
i'm probably on my 3rd or 4th listen right now peepin game. you got busy on all your chops actually. you got a nice melodic line going with about 2 or 3 other samples. the vocal accent at the break around 1:15 was a nice way to mix shit up.

you did a nice job on this track. it was smooth but still on the uptempo
2893027, Thanks man.
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Sat Jul-19-14 10:05 PM
I'm pretty happy with how the bass turned out on this. I think I went an extra step with the bassline and it made a big difference. I think I might apply this technique to other songs, cuz it made it sound more like keyboard bass than it has when I've filtered bass out of samples recently. It might be the particular sample though.

I've been trying to do something different each time around, but I think I'll do something downtempo next time I just realized I've done a bunch of these close to 100 bpm's recently.
2891263, Am I wrong...
Posted by _Torchbaras, Sun Jul-06-14 04:54 PM
for 5 star rating these myself tho?
2891279, #2, here goes...
Posted by _Torchbaras, Sun Jul-06-14 06:27 PM

Lemme know and Ill let you know. Admitted, probably do it anyway.
Hope yall enjoy!!!
2891478, Dope one.
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Tue Jul-08-14 08:58 AM
Hey nice song structure. Ha ha. Good flow of the track, and perfect length. Shit bangs. I dig the melody that you made for the break in the middle. And the other sound that sounds like it came for a video game. I would like the drums to be a little closer on the spectrum towards quantized but maybe that's just me. Very nice work. This also has a very positive, summer vibe. It must be the sample source.

I have to admit I wasn't too excited when I first heard it (and I'm a big Rose Royce fan, well I hadn't heard that song before so not that much I guess.) But after I chopped a few parts I definitely had plenty to work with. Good choice man.

How's it been as a new dad? Great huh?
2891580, Yup, I finally managed...
Posted by _Torchbaras, Tue Jul-08-14 06:37 PM
to make a coupla diff. patterns, lil switch ups here and there, some filterin, glad I took the time. Gotta thank you for puttin some pressure on me, cause I SERIOUSLY lack in that department lol... But yeah, we gettin there, slowly...

I spent the 1st 15 yrs. of beatmaking tryin to fit my beats into lil mathematical boxes, OCD type thing, made them all HEAVILY quantized, to the point where I totally lost the dynamics and flow of "real music". So yeah, Im stayin far away from tight formats now, explains the sloppyness of the drums, etc..

Oh yeah, videogame fx be my shit! Found a nice record online for TV production I guess, all kindsa goodness on there, round 50 10 sec. clips of different synth stuff! Great for spice...

Far as bein a father goes,

maan, its beautiful - lil man startin to become his own person now instead of the eat-shit-sleep package he was the 1st two months or so, smiling and laughing 90% of the day, talkin all kinds of epic gibberish AND sleepin 7-8 hrs. at night - dream baby thats for sure...

Thanks for askin and lettin me know what it is!
2892061, My name is Herb-One and I'm a quantizaholic.
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Sat Jul-12-14 08:45 PM
Yeah I get you on the quantize thing. I was on that hard as well for at least ten years. Maybe closer to 15 years. We need to organize some QA meetings or something.

Yeah the first 3 months is just a blur. It gets much more fun once they really start communicating and moving around. Man, 7-8 hours a night? You got lucky with that one.

2892335, Im down hah!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Tue Jul-15-14 05:34 AM
And yeah, from what I hear concernin babies sleepin hours, I should probably be REAL thankful for this one...
2892120, if anybody wants to hear hiphop mastery, ^^ this is the shit to peep
Posted by judono, Sun Jul-13-14 08:15 PM

from the beginning filter and the first little high notes that get sprinkled in before the 4th bar, you already know what it is.

every fuckn sample is chopped immaculately. melodically.. on the money. dudes probably don't realize how many different sections and elements that were sampled, edited, truncated, and then flipped on this bitch.

is that a pacman eating a pellet sound effect you snuck in there yo? (lol).

i really like how you flipped that melodic high note part throughout the beat that is easily heard at the 1:54 - 2:00 minute part of the beat. and the vocal parts add that last little spice to finish things off.

another gem.

i'd like to hear you do another joint (especially since we ain't doing these as often as we used to)... where you do a 2015 sound, but still keep it Torch tho..

but this one right here , having worked with the rose royce sampled song, this is a 10. you freaked it.
2892336, He aint lyin lol!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Tue Jul-15-14 05:41 AM
>from the beginning filter and the first little high notes that
>get sprinkled in before the 4th bar, you already know what it

Yo, I was actually concerned that filtered line was a lil too revealin, so that when it dropped, it would lack the climax feel!

>every fuckn sample is chopped immaculately. melodically..
> on the money. dudes probably don't realize how many
>different sections and elements that were sampled, edited,
>truncated, and then flipped on this bitch.

You see the work man, Im glad!!! Not many acknowledge the detail levels to this... Preciated!

>is that a pacman eating a pellet sound effect you snuck in
>there yo? (lol).
>i really like how you flipped that melodic high note part
>throughout the beat that is easily heard at the 1:54 - 2:00
>minute part of the beat. and the vocal parts add that last
>little spice to finish things off.

Yeah the hi note part was the last icing - I needed something to really separate the chorus from the rest, plus build the bridge, so thats that! It actually and ultra short chop from the intro to the source mapped out on the keyboard with a lil verb and such...

Again, thanks for the honest, in depth feedback man - means a lot!

Done checked for yours, but Ill hafta peep again to really let it marinate...
2893665, RE: #2, here goes...
Posted by silentwar, Thu Jul-24-14 02:19 PM
Fam...this is ridiculously dope bro...
2893680, Really preciate it fam!!!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Thu Jul-24-14 04:13 PM
Bein retired from the active scene and not puttin stuff outthere keeps me from receivin any feedback on my beats as of lately, so any and all words from yall means somethin!

Yours was on point too...
2891702, Producers scared to produce or what?
Posted by judono, Wed Jul-09-14 01:32 PM
My mind is a incubator/

My Nxt batch is in the marinater/

Best producer on the microphone/

In the studio or recordin out they home/

Pimpin the shit out of the metronome/

Nvr quantize, im typin this off the dome/

Sippin dos equis lager at taco diner/

They just brought me the check/

Its time to sign 'er

Lunch break is over/ and back to the________ we go/
Nxt stop was vacant before i arrived /
and when i bust ,its time to blow

Data ovrload
2891745, i'll play
Posted by araQual, Wed Jul-09-14 09:22 PM
2891769, Nice!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Thu Jul-10-14 08:43 AM
BTW, I always forget to big you up on droppin those mixes on us from time to time - you seem to have an interest in and knowledge of a wide variety of music, thats dope!!!

I oftentimes wish my listening tastes wasnt so dayum conservative lol...
2892117, here goes my new joint: The BzRcyde / /
Posted by judono, Sun Jul-13-14 06:56 PM


new joint from The BzRcyde. this might be the part 1 or it might be the only one. i did some other stuff, and might do something else tonight but i'm not sure yet...
2892340, You want mosaic musical mastery, look no further!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Tue Jul-15-14 06:08 AM
Take it from the top,

- Verby vox choir and the dazzle quote + the uptempo drums was fun for a starter!

- Then you dropped the deep old bass and took it out again, only to drop it again. It sounds meaner than mean, but doesnt blend too well with the vocal chops IMHO...

- Then the claps and the fly-in-yo-ear synth came on, and I was like, yoo, where we goin with this one? Took it straight to radio speak over a nice mellow beat backdrop! Real sweet.

- Then theres the tapish pitchbended section with the machinery drums, sloppy as hell just as I like em lol... Was a trip! The drops from the various other sources, vox and extra layers wasnt spot on pitchwise, but Im guessin thats on purpose, or you just aint care lol...

- Then the dreamy sequence bridge with the ahh ah, ahh ahs and the superdope synthy starshine bubbly stuff goin into the solo vox quote with the turntable backspin at the end? - NICE! Real star of the show to me, is what comes next tho...

- Some ole early Roc A Fella beat comes in and takes the prize lol! Static and verby filtered bells/piano (or is that a synth?), nice acoustic soundin bass in the back, then the dry choir - perfection! Funny thing is, the way the drums is underplayed and filtered, plus the synth fxs turned it slowly into something real 2014ish... I dont know exactly how you did that, but the transformation was deep and wellplayed!

All in all, I enjoyed this in a whole nother way than "just" noddin my way thru another banger! Dont get me wrong, I love straightforward 90s soundin beats the most, but listening to your stuff is always somethin completely different! Its not so much a joint, as it is an EXPERIENCE, and thats real rare these days... I preciated the ride thru Dallas and the Cosmos.
2892967, RE: here goes my new joint: The BzRcyde / /
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Sat Jul-19-14 04:03 AM
Man, there's a lot here to digest but I'm glad I took the time to dig in. I like it more and more as it progresses.
I love all the beat transitions and little effects going on between each section.
My only complaint is that some of the samples don't match up pitch wise.
My favorite is the radio drop beat and the last one. So chill.
Nice work this go round.
2892122, Producers, im in the mood to write&record. Drop some flavorful
Posted by judono, Sun Jul-13-14 08:49 PM
2893202, Since you asked me for sum 2014ish...
Posted by _Torchbaras, Mon Jul-21-14 03:01 PM
2893451, Hey not bad.
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Wed Jul-23-14 07:37 AM
I can't hate on this. I can definitely nod my head to this, and I can't front on keyboard stuff if it's balanced with something real or really and on-purpose a keyboard beat. Start: Rant... There's nothing worse than keyboard piano and strings that are *supposed* to be real but sound anything but. /rant. I think the drums are cute but the samples are dope so it balances out. Or something. Anyway, nice beat.
2893522, Haha, yeah....
Posted by _Torchbaras, Wed Jul-23-14 04:09 PM
I feel the same way bout these kinda beats - drums and weak emulated intruments so dayum plastic soundin it makes me cringe...
Thats why it was such a great challenge, to do somethin Id never have done by myself!

That bein said, I can understand the appeal this particular sound has to some audiences, its just lost on me. Not to sound arrogant or anythin, it just dont click with me if you know what Im sayin...
2892337, its been a long time.. im in
Posted by CB_010, Tue Jul-15-14 05:47 AM
2892341, Dayum!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Tue Jul-15-14 06:09 AM
Been missin your input, good to have you back!
2892734, meins: "ALTERED STATES"
Posted by araQual, Thu Jul-17-14 10:26 AM

haven't done this in a while so be gentle lol.
basically just chopped the orchestral bits, one line of sprinkly synths, and one bar of guitar. added the kick and hi hat myself. wrote, sang and recorded it all in the last 2hrs. now i must smoke up and listen back about a dozen times before i realise it's maybe not that good (which is sadly, always good enuf for me).
lyrics are included below.


as i rise
up to the stars
a new day dawns
upon the calm
wide open space
in altered states
no need to pray
to feel some grace
we few, wish for
such lofty things
the joy they bring
is uplifting
then i found her
within the muck
became my luck
and now we are here on the
cusp of it
of knowing things
i summoned my ghost
and she said the same thing
around her
i found her
my heart sings
of luv

we creep on and on
never letting go
stardust in our home
everywhere i roam
i see u
i FEEL u
in every way
every day
it gets harder
wen i'm on ya
& we're sinkin in
deeper than i can
she acts with haste
& puts me in
altered states

so we go on
i play her my songs
i lay out my palms
she reads "love is harm"
but i disbelieve
what i can prove
only exists
inside her tomb
so we go up
so we can come down
our love's profound
the strongest around
and i do believe
this is destiny
every part of me
is yours

we creep on and on
never letting go
stardust in our home
everywhere i roam
i see u
i FEEL u
in every way
every day
it gets harder
wen i'm on ya
& we're sinkin in
deeper than i can
she acts with haste
& puts me in
altered states

2892803, //
Posted by judono, Thu Jul-17-14 08:59 PM
you should post the instrumental version mp3 mane. might see what a feat. verse sounds like on it
2892814, here ya go
Posted by araQual, Thu Jul-17-14 11:28 PM

2893210, PHAT sound!!!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Mon Jul-21-14 03:14 PM
Lookin at the squared Cloud visual of yo joint, I was hopin itd be "full" sounding and not just squashed from overprocessing and it was - dope how you pushed the mix on this man...

Nuff lo end without it soundin muddy.

Real simple, nice two chord carrier you laid for the main part!!!

Love the lil sparkly synths on there, wish youd bring them around some more.

As always, +1 on actually writing and recording for these - makes the end result so much more of everything!

Also, trippy outro -

Good stuff!!!
2893452, This is very dope.
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Wed Jul-23-14 07:41 AM
I thought I responded to this post, but it's not here so...

But I love the simplicity of the music and the strings some great and I like the pitch change. You have some nice singing chops. Very soulful. I'd look forward to a studio quality version of this. Either way, I still really dig it and downloaded it and will probably play it down the road as well.
2893670, Here's mine...
Posted by silentwar, Thu Jul-24-14 03:21 PM
Not mixed or anything...

2893679, Real dope man!!!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Thu Jul-24-14 04:09 PM
Nice swing to your drums, nice phat kick - shakers and the occasional long hat and tambourine was solid for variation...
Id love for the twin hit snare/snap/clap comboed snare to come around some mo tho!

Dope choice for a carrier chop, positive vibe without soundin too sweet!

I really dug how you kept a different ending for each loop too, the synth bubbles, the guitar one, the golden touch one - all works wonders in terms of switching up from the main sample...

But dayum, had me hittin that play button at least five times just to provide basic feedback... Kept it short for repeated spins huh lol!?!

For real tho, this my shit, an emcee would rip this to pieces...

2893700, RE: Real dope man!!!
Posted by silentwar, Thu Jul-24-14 08:47 PM
My man...I appreciate it bro. I've always been real apprehensive to post stuff because you cats are so dope. I cut it short because there were no more changes to it. LOL. I'm bout to follow you on Soundcloud. You have some extremely dope material bro. Respect.
2893890, Respect right back!!!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Sat Jul-26-14 05:14 PM
And thanks man, my Cloud needs yalls support lol...

Oh and dont hesitate on bringin the heat to the chops, theres room for everything and everybody, and your game is too dope to miss out on!!!
2894322, RE: Respect right back!!!
Posted by silentwar, Tue Jul-29-14 12:01 PM
Humbled fam...
2893833, RE: Here's mine...
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Sat Jul-26-14 01:34 AM
Love the drums on this. Very dope.
2894321, RE: Here's mine...
Posted by silentwar, Tue Jul-29-14 12:00 PM
Yo thanks fam...you cats inspire me!
2894218, Joining in the fun
Posted by deksbeats, Mon Jul-28-14 08:01 PM
What's up Fam?

Good to see this topic still kicking; Lot's of talent on this thread!

Here's my sub


Thanks for the listen!

2894323, RE: Joining in the fun
Posted by silentwar, Tue Jul-29-14 12:04 PM
Yoooo...it amazes me how everyone chops this so differently. This dope my man. This feel and then filters on this joint is so relaxing bro. Definitely rocking with this.
2894412, RE: Joining in the fun
Posted by deksbeats, Tue Jul-29-14 04:25 PM
Thanks man!
2894454, YEAH YEAH!!!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Tue Jul-29-14 08:05 PM
+1 for buildin your own melody thru pitchin - thats my prefered game too! Always a good look... Also, they sound damn nice filtered - you let just the right amount of freqs thru IMHO!!!

Drums was extra crisp, great idea to go with tambourines instead of hats! Claps was nasty for a snare and the kick packs nuff punch!!! Slidin in that woodblock was good for tricks too...

Subbass supaphat man, SUPAphat - love the way it st-st-stutters!!!

Levels are on point, everything flows and blends nicely - real solid work in this one!

Def. one of my favs. - SALUTE!!!
2894772, RE: YEAH YEAH!!!
Posted by deksbeats, Thu Jul-31-14 03:14 PM
Yo thanks a lot Torch! Both for the comment and putting this thread on!
2894244, nxt ep gonna be the royal fuck u sonically to the boys tryin2doThatFuck$ht
Posted by judono, Tue Jul-29-14 12:24 AM
& they know who they are.
&i see u
2894245, can i get a lol
Posted by judono, Tue Jul-29-14 12:26 AM
2894449, AMEN!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Tue Jul-29-14 07:55 PM
2894815, it's been a minute
Posted by HeadNodda, Thu Jul-31-14 07:25 PM

It's been a minute, took a break, got boo'd up, working, and i wasnt feeling the lou rawls sample so i didnt participate the last time. here is something i put together just to knock the rust off.

2894819, Somethin laidback,
Posted by _Torchbaras, Thu Jul-31-14 07:48 PM
real chill vibe here...

Drums are fast paced and a bit jumpy, but you kept em from bein TOO hectic. Theres still balance between them and the melodic pieces...

Choir sounds nice when playin behind the main vocals.

I also dig how the sound is very "full", without the drums drownin, dope!

Good stuff! Welcome back.
2894828, aight here's mine
Posted by darius heyward bey, Thu Jul-31-14 09:45 PM
first beat in forever. got a rare evening to myself AND I got a new bass in the mail today? sheeeit

lil something tho, for peepage.


concept is it's like the beat machine tryna seduce me on some "touch me"

typical boom bap tho

2895051, Yooo, dope one!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Sat Aug-02-14 09:39 AM
The drums are nice and dry, good swing to em too...

Nice to have bass stabs instead of just solid bass thruout, adds to the aforementioned swing, plus you spiced it up with the lil rhythm guitar in the back every now and then...

The whispering panned "touch me"s was a dope idea, and executed well!

You kept the melody minimal, only switchin it up via the bass every 8 bars or so - couldve been monotonous had it not been for your choice of chops and how you weave them in and out, nicely done!!!

All in all, dope one man. Props.