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Topic subject | how "suspect" was that farnsworth/puff relationship 10 years later? |
Topic URL | http://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2889360 |
2889360, how "suspect" was that farnsworth/puff relationship 10 years later? Posted by cherry_coke, Fri Jun-20-14 07:29 AM
at the time this was attributed to outrageous 00's 1% rap opulence.
"omg puff has a man servant LOLOLOL"
but looking back it's just straight up... questionable.
"farnsworth" was trying to be famous, for nothing exactly in particular. the details on how he met or came to puff's attention are murky. i believe he was originally a dancer/choreographer, looking for his "big break", he pitched himself to puff in a nightclub or something and puff took a "liking" to him.
so essentially puff "discovered" some gay dancer from atlanta, moved him to new york and began featuring him in his videos in costume as a "butler".
...just saying.
from 2001-2004, puff made it a point of showcasing him in some varying degree in his videos similar to well, a hired 00's video chick. puff made it a point of attempting to push to make him famous like he'd wanted. i mean puff even tried to give him a music career, which fizzled because he couldn't actually rap or sing. then they have some sort of fall-out, "C.O.L.O.U.R.S." gets shelved indefinitely from a major release and puff and farnsworth seemingly never talk or are seen together again. like that farnsworth bentley is just another odd footnote of 00's rap folklore.
i'm pretty sure the last time he was seen or heard from outside of maybe the deep recesses of Btwitter was that picture of him, kanye, taz and co. at that italian fashion event for rich homosexual europeans "pitti uomo". (i think that's where that picture was from, either there or paris fashion week...)
...just a fucking weird "arrangement" when you put it into perspective.
he was like puff's amber rose.
the only other thing i can think of that rivals it on based on "odd-factor" was when jay-z (at around 35) was "roommates" with an nfl player and they shared an apartment in lower manhattan. yet they were never photographed together or mentioned each other. another "odd" moment.
2889361, This should be in GD Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Wed Jun-18-14 09:26 PM
2889362, you can copy an paste it. Posted by cherry_coke, Wed Jun-18-14 09:32 PM
i can't post there without cyrenyoung deactivating my account.
2889382, what he meant to say is, "this shouldn't be in the lesson." Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Thu Jun-19-14 12:32 AM
i come to this forum for in-depth music discussion, not homophobic innuendo about the sex lives of ppl i don't even know.
2889397, RE: what he meant to say is, "this shouldn't be in the lesson." Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Thu Jun-19-14 08:37 AM
Thanks fam. Looks like he didn't get what I was trying to say.
2889428, thanks for replying. Posted by cherry_coke, Thu Jun-19-14 12:37 PM
can't wait to not return the favor if you ever decided to make a post.
2889363, his music was good...He had a show on MTV 2 Posted by Menphyel7, Wed Jun-18-14 09:47 PM
From Gs To Gent it had 2 seasons at least and discovered Riff Raff
2889366, that album was better than it had any business being. Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jun-18-14 10:10 PM
2889394, that's what I was thinking... Posted by jimaveli, Thu Jun-19-14 07:51 AM
Whatever was going on, dude got laced with guests and production. It is kinda messed up that the album never dropped. 'Everybody' was all up on my stereos.
And yes...it is possible that something that folks keep hinting at is/was going on...all of the names are about the same and there's a gang of little hood stories: Jay, Puff, Outkast, Bentley, Kanye, etc. But whatever. I'm over here listening to the music. And besides...folks lie. I remember cats saying that Little Mac grows up and you can fight with him if you beat Mike Tyson on Punch Out. When I finally beat that fool and Lil mac stayed Lil, I thought something was wrong with my game...then I realized..sometimes people make up shit.
2889429, man I heard that when you beat Tyson you get a call from him Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-19-14 12:41 PM
Iron Mike never called my house.
2889367, Ignoring the odd Diddy stuff. Posted by phemom, Wed Jun-18-14 10:12 PM
I can respect Fonzworth Bentley's contributions to the game musically.
He had a unique style and made a handful of dope tracks. Shame that his (and Sa-Ra's) GOOD music albums never dropped.
2889372, Almost as "suspect" as you caring 10 years later Posted by Anonymous, Wed Jun-18-14 11:25 PM
2889404, Not at all. Posted by Mageddon, Thu Jun-19-14 09:38 AM
2889405, obviously questionable. but it's less about DL ppl in the music industry Posted by southphillyman, Thu Jun-19-14 09:40 AM
and more about how blatant they were trying to manufacturer a star to me shit was like when WWF use to introduce wack wrestlers as managers or some other character to see if the fans bit then eventually made them get in the ring lol yrs ago a friend of mine promoted a party for dude in philly and was asking me did i want to come/be involved. i'm like for what
2889407, man, that dude dropped a hot album (that never released) Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Jun-19-14 09:47 AM
he had one of the best and most entertaining reality shows on Vh1 (from G's to Gent's), wrote 2 books (I think), and married this pretty ass chick that was in White Chicks (Faune Chambers). I think he has a non-profit right now also.
He spoke at a graduation ceremony in DC that one of my friends teaches last 2 weeks ago.
I don't even see "Puff's manservant" or any of that shit when I look at him.
2889427, RE: man, that dude dropped a hot album (that never released) Posted by cherry_coke, Thu Jun-19-14 12:35 PM
>I don't even see "Puff's manservant" or any of that shit when >I look at him.
http://craziestgadgets.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/fonzwoth-bentley-umbrella.jpg http://img2-3.timeinc.net/ew/dynamic/imgs/030805/123231__making_l.jpg https://fm.cnbc.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/img/editorial/2011/10/28/45076452-Diddy-Farnsworth-Bentley-Entourage-Jobs-CNBC.jpg
2889432, yea it's the first sentence in his wiki lol Posted by southphillyman, Thu Jun-19-14 01:02 PM
dude has some type of talent if ppl in here are telling the truth (never saw the show or heard his album) but he definitely "fucked his way to the top" by submitting himself to that butler schtick good for him, seems like he used it to parlay his way into a few checks and a cute wife in the short term. better than nothing
2889443, it was some bullshit then, and it still is now Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Thu Jun-19-14 02:32 PM
and that album wasn't anywhere near good, you niggas in here are tripping hard with that one
2889455, ah it was just a play off Morris n Jerome..hey..wait... Posted by rdhull, Thu Jun-19-14 04:12 PM
2889457, Wrong board. Mods: please move to GD n/m Posted by johnbook, Thu Jun-19-14 04:43 PM