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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectIs (emcee) Broke/ on your radar? My favorite boom bap throwback
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2883355&mesg_id=2883355
2883355, Is (emcee) Broke/ on your radar? My favorite boom bap throwback
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed Apr-30-14 11:50 AM
He works with producers that might be familiar to the people who are WAY into the beat tape scene--repeat pattern, onset, phedee, radical edward, along with his own production, which is usually just as good.

I'd say he's for fans of Bishop Nehru--laid back but very rhythmic flow that would fit in well with D.I.T.C., but his subject matter is more Tribe-ish.

But unlike a lot of 90's throwbacks, he just sounds extremely natural, not trying too hard, but definitely crafting his rhymes. Ill voice and delivery. Chill as hell, but not in the drugged-out cloud rap way that's being done to death now.

ANYWAY: Boom Bap fans AND beat scene fans need to give this guy a chance. I realized he's quietly become one of my current favorites.

Latest EP, maybe the best thing he's put out IMO:
