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Topic subjectNew Prince single with hit potential?
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2875212, New Prince single with hit potential?
Posted by FunkyD, Thu Mar-13-14 07:01 PM
he just put out a song on the radio that could become his first hit in a long time.

lank :

2875225, So, who's got the mp3?
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Mar-13-14 08:28 PM
2875229, What... the... fuck.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Thu Mar-13-14 08:49 PM
Now I've heard it all.
2875346, it's the song from New Girl, right?
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Fri Mar-14-14 11:47 AM
if so, it does sound "singlely".

not that i wanna hear that bitch, but that's besides the point.

i'm cool with knowing that the Prince i grew up listening to is a different guy now.
2875349, yeah, I didn't realize at first it was the New Girl song
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Fri Mar-14-14 11:53 AM
because I had to watch the second half of the episode with the sound off on Super Bowl night and I haven't gotten around to watching it again yet.

Once I realized it was the song from the show, it was easier to give it a pass... and hell, it IS catchy. I've listened to it like 17 times since last night and I was actually humming it in the shower this morning.

It's not a *bad* song (if you're into this kind of thing... which I occasionally am) but it still kinda bugs me that it's a song recorded by Prince. Give this song to Katy Perry and I'll tell you it's great. But Prince doing this is just Side-Eye City.
2875355, uhhhh listening to a song 17 times in a 24 hour period
Posted by imcvspl, Fri Mar-14-14 12:01 PM
you know what that does to you right?

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." © Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
2875356, alas, yes.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Fri Mar-14-14 12:02 PM
and I just listened to it twice more in the time since I wrote the post you replied to.

2875402, Well hey, Prince has been versatile for a long time.
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Fri Mar-14-14 02:32 PM
>It's not a *bad* song (if you're into this kind of thing...
>which I occasionally am) but it still kinda bugs me that it's
>a song recorded by Prince. Give this song to Katy Perry and
>I'll tell you it's great. But Prince doing this is just
>Side-Eye City.
2875237, It sounds thin and desperate. Apropos for the times.
Posted by Errol Walton Barrow, Thu Mar-13-14 10:22 PM
His instrumentation is always so tame nowadays, and of disperate influences. I'm not sure he knows where to go musicaally, or is apprehensive about settling down out the spotlight, like Bowie, or Dylan. What's even more disheartening is OP is right, this could be a hit.
2875242, It was a throwaway track for the TV show. Don't overthink it.
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Mar-13-14 11:17 PM
2876906, I won't overthink it, God knows Prince didn't.
Posted by Errol Walton Barrow, Sat Mar-22-14 12:27 PM
2875266, GOOD FOR HIM if it is a hit.
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Fri Mar-14-14 05:20 AM
This man could release "Little Red Corvette" for the first time
and yall would say "WTF is this shit", so if this becomes a hit, good for him.
This actually ain't much different from "Baby I'm A Star", "America" or quite a
few songs from the 1999 album. He can't please yall, so I hope someone is pleased.
Alotta Lesson mfkas don't like anything popular anyway, lol.

2875267, Dude, chill...this sound like Crystal Waters
Posted by supablak, Fri Mar-14-14 05:38 AM
And you sound like you was practicing some choreography.

Gone Boy, Show 'Em What You Can Do
2875360, I need to check out her catalog then. Never knew she had joints.
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Fri Mar-14-14 12:25 PM
2875364, Jokes aside, if you really love this song
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Fri Mar-14-14 12:41 PM
then you definitely want to check out Crystal Waters. And Kylie Minogue.
2875375, All jokes aside...
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Fri Mar-14-14 01:16 PM
I have, and I like a couple of songs by both. *shrugs*
2875380, Check out Right Said Fred too.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Fri Mar-14-14 01:22 PM
This song really reminds me of a lot of their first album: http://youtu.be/rz8tIiAVp2Q
2875386, Never could mess with dude's vocals too heavy
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Fri Mar-14-14 01:36 PM
Posted by imcvspl, Fri Mar-14-14 01:44 PM

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." © Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
2875391, *dances with hands over head*
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Fri Mar-14-14 01:47 PM
2875395, lmfao
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Fri Mar-14-14 01:55 PM
2875436, Kidz Incorporated
Posted by supablak, Fri Mar-14-14 06:39 PM

nothing left to see here
2875506, Hahaha!
Posted by Pete Burns, Sat Mar-15-14 08:03 AM

What the blood claaat???
2875384, Crystal Waters shook up the game when she came out
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Fri Mar-14-14 01:32 PM
in all honesty.

she hit the dance scene like gangbusters.
2875255, That Afro Wig is apparently his Venom suit.
Posted by supablak, Fri Mar-14-14 03:02 AM

This guy...

A year ago he was KILLING IT (had something to prove w/ 3rd Eye Girl).

Now...he's all over the place, GASSED UP on reviews.

I'mma Sit This Year Out Purple People.
2875300, I think folks forget Prince
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Mar-14-14 09:10 AM
is a pop artist. sure he's made some non-pop music over his career, but he's also always wanted to be on the radio.

this song aint the greatest, but I'm ok with it. it does feel like today's music, cept for the horns.
2875327, RE: I think folks forget Prince
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Fri Mar-14-14 10:38 AM
>is a pop artist.

Please tell 'em again!
2875321, this will not be a hit.
Posted by thebigfunk, Fri Mar-14-14 10:33 AM
And it shouldn't be.


~ i could still snort you under the table ~
2875496, this might have been a hit in 1997
Posted by GumDrops, Sat Mar-15-14 04:26 AM
though as it seems the 90s is undergoing a revival, maybe corny pop house (not the same as all the trance pop/guetta-type stuff in the charts) is okay again.

basically this sounds like something from the most beautiful girl in the world era.
2875903, i can see that
Posted by thebigfunk, Mon Mar-17-14 02:23 PM

>basically this sounds like something from the most beautiful
>girl in the world era.

I actually thought it sounded like a 90s "vault" track that would have made it onto the official Crystal Ball release, lol ... except this was far worse than any of those

Honestly, I can see why folks are calling it catchy, but the terrible terrible terrible synths make the whole thing feel like an elaborate joke.


~ i could still snort you under the table ~
2875337, RE: New Prince single with hit potential?
Posted by Red07, Fri Mar-14-14 11:31 AM
Well, Epic Records has signed him and is releasing the song..

He is on their artist page now

2875776, wow
Posted by Magnum Opus, Sun Mar-16-14 10:27 PM
thought he was done with labels.
2876074, Rave In2 The Joy Fantastic Jr. coming SOON
Posted by supablak, Tue Mar-18-14 09:17 AM

If this 3rd Eye Girl thing goes even a 1/3 as long as NPG has...sheesh

I Remember Kirky J, and 90's Prince Apologists
2875342, My thoughts...
Posted by murph71, Fri Mar-14-14 11:35 AM

1. This is a pure Prince pop song with all of the Princely pop hallmarks. Anyone complaining about this is just simply complaining at this point...

2. As usual P dropped the ball by not instantly releasing this after the Super Bowl when all the bloggers and TV writers were calling it a hit....

3. Compared to "Pretzel Body Logic" (OK...but VERY stagnant) I'd rather play this joint loud...

4. "FunkNRoll" is the real dope...

2875345, RE: My thoughts...
Posted by Red07, Fri Mar-14-14 11:46 AM
and now he has LA Reids money and marketing machine behind hiom plus Zoey's fans as she is on it..it will chart and chart high
2875347, i must have heard the wrong version of FunkNRoll.
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Fri Mar-14-14 11:48 AM
that shit is doodoo.
2875376, RE: i must have heard the wrong version of FunkNRoll.
Posted by murph71, Fri Mar-14-14 01:17 PM

I dug it...

But the Body Logic joint? Not so much; take or leave that one.......
2875352, Let me fix that for you.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Fri Mar-14-14 11:56 AM
>1. This is a pure Spice Girls pop song with all of the Stock Aitken Waterman pop
>hallmarks. Anyone complaining about this is just simply
>complaining at this point...
2875366, lol
Posted by thebigfunk, Fri Mar-14-14 12:53 PM
Prince's own vocals/verses are all that really sounds "Prince" here... and they're actually good. Too bad he fucked it all up with a terrible arrangement and some godawful production.


~ i could still snort you under the table ~
2875367, His vocals don't even really sound 'Prince' to me.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Fri Mar-14-14 12:56 PM
They like some European pop star doing "Prince"
2876167, I take back what I said about the vocals.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Tue Mar-18-14 03:51 PM
2876070, Murph, this sucks hard cocks 4 dollaz, bro. Stop it. lol.
Posted by supablak, Tue Mar-18-14 09:04 AM

I'll be all kinds of "haters" if that's the line drawn in the sand.

Y'all Want P To Win Like This? LOL
2875392, Ya can't do modern pop music, and completely ignore hip-hop
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Mar-14-14 01:52 PM
and it's influence on music.

Prince still creates music in this weird time warp where Hip-hop never existed.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

There is no absolute knowledge and anyone who claims it — whether a scientist, a politician or a religious believer — opens the door to
2875397, Where is Adele's Hip Hop influence? Taylor Swift? Avicii? Passenger?
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Fri Mar-14-14 02:00 PM
In other words, you definitely can.
2875412, I meant R&B Pop music.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Mar-14-14 03:26 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

There is no absolute knowledge and anyone who claims it — whether a scientist, a politician or a religious believer — opens the door to
2875418, We limiting Prince to R&B? Why would we do a thing like that?
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Fri Mar-14-14 03:41 PM
3004384, I take it back. Of course these artist are hip-hop influenced.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Apr-23-18 10:46 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
2875400, RE: Ya can't do modern pop music, and completely ignore hip-hop
Posted by murph71, Fri Mar-14-14 02:08 PM
>and it's influence on music.
>Prince still creates music in this weird time warp where
>Hip-hop never existed.

Again...not at all true....

U can hear this kind of poppy EDM-ish song on the radio right now....

Prince landing a hit has little to do with dude not embracing hip hop...

The issue with Prince has been more connected with the fact that he's been independent for a minute and only goes the major route for distribution...Couple that with the fact that over the last 10 years post Musicology and 3121, he hasn't been playing the radio game, and it is what it is...

2875413, I would say that EDM & Hip-Hop are very much intertwined.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Mar-14-14 03:29 PM
Would you really sum it up to music business politics? You really think it doesn't have to do with his inability to make a pop hit even when he tries to?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

There is no absolute knowledge and anyone who claims it — whether a scientist, a politician or a religious believer — opens the door to
2875430, RE: I would say that EDM & Hip-Hop are very much intertwined.
Posted by murph71, Fri Mar-14-14 04:52 PM

Not the heavily pop EDM...it can exist on its own merits without drinking at the water of hip-hop....

What this new Prince song is is a straight ahead dance pop song with a modern EDM type club beat....It's very Princely (live horns mixed with synths; sped up voice; weird lyrics....) but still has a modern gleam that you would find in a lot of other songs that go straight for the dance floors...

There is a lot more that goes into making a hit than just injecting the trends of the day...

U need the label-radio infrastructure or technological understanding (ie. using the blogging world and the Internet like it's second nature, something Prince ain't really about...)...

Prince is a 55 year old dude that does most of his damage in a live setting...It is what it is....
2875658, Name a current pop track that has any similarities to this track?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Sun Mar-16-14 12:55 PM
To me, this track exists in this cornball universe where funk is still king.

Anything anywhere that is popular sounds like this?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

There is no absolute knowledge and anyone who claims it — whether a scientist, a politician or a religious believer — opens the door to
2875770, this sounds like funk to you?
Posted by tariqhu, Sun Mar-16-14 09:44 PM
I don't hear that. fits in with the dance/pop stuff on radion. the only thing that's odd are the horns, which he tends to overuse.

edit: same type of song as this...

2876320, RE: Name a current pop track that has any similarities to this track?
Posted by murph71, Wed Mar-19-14 10:53 AM

There is nothing truly funky about this track...Except that Prince is on it...lol

It's a uber pop record that can be played next to Rihanna and Guetta...But with live horns thrown in and a formula "Prince" melody because that's Prince being Prince...

But this embraces the Prince Cheese big time...
2875498, essential ingredient this song is missing: pitbull.
Posted by GumDrops, Sat Mar-15-14 04:33 AM
2875508, True... Prince won't let himself go that route, though.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Sat Mar-15-14 08:10 AM
EDIT: Oh, I see you already said that in #45
2875650, OR let Pharrell produce his next album.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Sun Mar-16-14 12:18 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

There is no absolute knowledge and anyone who claims it — whether a scientist, a politician or a religious believer — opens the door to
2875495, do popular songs still have love in the title/chorus?
Posted by GumDrops, Sat Mar-15-14 04:24 AM
im going to say no.

also, while this *sounds* like it could be a hit, he needs to get rid of the horns. no one cares for horns in the top 40 in 2014.

it sounds like a george michael song (like sleep around, from emancipation).

i like it though. more than the recent single from the 3rd eye girl album, which was pretty limp.

its better than most of the stuff hes made in the last decade. he should do an album with zooey. i miss corny pop prince. in fact, i would take a whole album of prince doing corny euro pop house built for cruiseliners over his other stuff these days. i would love to hear david guetta write something for prince, if only to hear him do something that wasnt 'real music by real musicians', zzz.
2875502, Damn
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Sat Mar-15-14 04:51 AM
>if only to hear him do something that wasnt 'real
>music by real musicians', zzz.
2875505, prince doesnt know how to not think commercially
Posted by GumDrops, Sat Mar-15-14 07:58 AM
he is always thinking competitively in pop terms

the odds of him having a hit on the singles chart at this point in his career are really really tiny

but hey, if he wants to, why not hook up with someone that might be able to give it to him

id be interested in hearing that, but we all know he would prob never allow anyone to do that for him

fact is, that for all prince's musician cred and chops, hes always been 'pop', yeah, he has soul, hes funky, he can play, but its almost always been best in a pop context/aesthetic
2875619, i'll tell ya what i WANNA do....
Posted by Voodoochilde, Sun Mar-16-14 07:24 AM
...i WANNA hear an interesting song.

this isnt. not to me anywayz.

this sounds to me like a generic, forgettable, throwaway song intentionally designed to be a 'girls night out' request. (who knows maybe in THAT zone it will be a hit)

ehhh, but it sucks, soooooo....

i love me some Zoey as an actress and as a singer too (i dig her She & Him records and her great singing in Elf, one of our fams favorite movies...
but SHE's not the problem here, the song itself is just plain old bland and un-interesting to me...

does anyone remember the days when a new Prince song would come out and, regardless of whether or not it ever became a hit or not, it would at LEAST have SOME unique, unexpected and/or interesting element or musically impressive moment to it that would perk your ears up and make you tilt your head sideways like a dog trying to listen more closely?

yeah i do too...

this doesn't...
2875644, RE: i'll tell ya what i WANNA do....
Posted by GumDrops, Sun Mar-16-14 11:38 AM
>does anyone remember the days when a new Prince song would
>come out and, regardless of whether or not it ever became a
>hit or not, it would at LEAST have SOME unique, unexpected
>and/or interesting element or musically impressive moment to
>it that would perk your ears up and make you tilt your head
>sideways like a dog trying to listen more closely?

sure, but that was some decades back. not saying he cant still do that, he does still do it occasionally, but i cant think of any pop artist who has managed to keep it going, unless you go more avant garde (like scott walker for instance) or you get in fresh new collaborators (eg - madonna). or you can just not bother with either of those routes and do whatever you wanna do (which i think might apply to dylan or paul mccartney). i dont really expect anything from modern prince records (the songs ive heard from 3rd eye girl were all awful i thought), it seems pointless at this stage in his career (his FIFTH decade!) to still expect him to do what he was doing in his 20s/early 30s. it is different for him i think as even though hes always been mainstream-accepted, hes still got roots in R&B, and i dont think there are many models w/r/t longevity, even for prince.
2875640, saw him last night at the fox in oakland
Posted by Flash80, Sun Mar-16-14 11:10 AM
they came HARD on the rock tip.

dude definitely was hendrix'ing it up.


the NPG horn section opened up with liv warfield...and didn't join prince and 3rdeyegirl (*drooling*) until the last 1/4 of show.
2875643, RE: saw him last night at the fox in oakland
Posted by Wahday, Sun Mar-16-14 11:28 AM
Fall in love tonight is ok, but the studio version of funknroll is crazy. Sounds like a lovesexy/black era album track.
2875716, Question for all those saying this song is good (esp. murph)
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Sun Mar-16-14 03:42 PM
If this song were done by George Michael, Kelly Rowland, Rihanna or whoever.... would you rock with it?

Tell the truth now.
2875720, RE: Question for all those saying this song is good (esp. murph)
Posted by j_bhadra, Sun Mar-16-14 04:45 PM
>If this song were done by George Michael, Kelly Rowland,
>Rihanna or whoever.... would you rock with it?
>Tell the truth now.

Man, Prince's time writing dance songs is up - this is more proof.

The rock oriented material he is doing these days has far more bite and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking forward to the new album - the rock record.

Prince appears to have simply become board - maybe the guy needs to broaden his horizons and start playing music with musicians from non-western cultures.
2875799, yes
Posted by GumDrops, Mon Mar-17-14 02:50 AM
this song is straight cheese but i would prob like it better in fact lol. rihanna could do a great job with it (though they would need to get rid of those princely production cliches and have someone do it over) and i still cant imagine anyone else outside of prince singing some of those lines.

2875808, I've defended everybody from Lady Gaga to Rihanna to Kid Cudi
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Mon Mar-17-14 07:56 AM
to Donny Hathaway, Jackie Wilson and Terence Trent D'arby on these very boards.

If anything should be obvious by this point, it's that I don't care who sings a song
I like... unless I just find them completely unbearable for some odd reason.

2876158, RE: Question for all those saying this song is good (esp. murph)
Posted by Deacon Blues, Tue Mar-18-14 03:28 PM

I think I'd like it more if performed by some pop princess, but I'm not that crazy about the song as is
2875732, RE: simple but catchy.
Posted by mikediggz, Sun Mar-16-14 05:56 PM
2875830, it must be good judging by certain responses here
Posted by rdhull, Mon Mar-17-14 10:48 AM
2875838, wtf?
Posted by come on people, Mon Mar-17-14 11:18 AM
is prince playing some sort of joke on us?
2875839, RE: New Prince single with hit potential?
Posted by Red07, Mon Mar-17-14 11:20 AM
Nothing wrong at all with this song..It is what it is.. I want to see what you geniuses come up with when yo 56 years old. Just saying. If by chance you are still having as much fun in your career as he is having in his, do tell..
2875843, I have no problem with the song. Because I like corny, shitty pop music.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Mon Mar-17-14 11:33 AM
But it's just funny to me that so many people who otherwise would be clowning folks for admitting to feeling the new Miley Cyrus or something, twisting themselves into weird shapes to convince themselves that they genuinely believe this song is good just because it's by Prince.
2875849, as a corny pop song, it needs more bass
Posted by come on people, Mon Mar-17-14 11:47 AM
and his synthesized voice is annoying.

it would've worked better as a straight vehicle for zooey deschanel. listening to it again, i actually want more of her voice. oh and a dubstep breakdown lol.

i can't see this being a hit because, ironically, it's not funky enough. the best (and most successful) pop of the last couple of years imo -- bruno mars, pharrell, mike will made it -- has more kick to it than this.
2875862, no disagreement anywhere.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Mon Mar-17-14 12:09 PM
2875879, RE: I have no problem with the song. Because I like corny, shitty pop music.
Posted by Red07, Mon Mar-17-14 01:04 PM
me too. i also like it as my dad died at 56; i thought that was old when i was in my teens..if my dad made music just to troll the fans/critics/haters etc at 56 and walked around with still the best stable of ladies, what's not to like..Nigga having fun not giving nary a fuck..i like that
2875894, Y'all act like Santana did drop Supernatural in his 50s.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Mar-17-14 02:02 PM
It is possible to still be relevant at this age.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

There is no absolute knowledge and anyone who claims it — whether a scientist, a politician or a religious believer — opens the door to
2875905, who would prince work with on his 'supernatural'?
Posted by GumDrops, Mon Mar-17-14 02:33 PM
2875908, RE: Y'all act like Santana did drop Supernatural in his 50s.
Posted by Red07, Mon Mar-17-14 02:44 PM
>It is possible to still be relevant at this age.
>"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then
>they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
>There is no absolute knowledge and anyone who claims it —
>whether a scientist, a politician or a religious believer —
>opens the door to

you mention one fucking person..Now he cant get arrested either..no one checking for the new santana..btw that was 15 years ago
2875902, Extralovable is an example of Prince's current cluelessness
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Mar-17-14 02:23 PM
modern music trends.

there is the Prince Original


Yes Yes gets its hand on it and give it a modern spin and cranks out this heat rock


Prince respond's by re-recording and comes up with this corniness:


So to keep track, Prince had a hot original track. Small timers show him how to make it hot for a modern audience. Prince responds by turning a dope track into a turd.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

There is no absolute knowledge and anyone who claims it — whether a scientist, a politician or a religious believer — opens the door to
2875904, lol
Posted by GumDrops, Mon Mar-17-14 02:32 PM
princes issue is that he doesnt have that 'cool' anymore. him trying to redo a song from his rudeboy phase at this point in his career was never going to work, not when hes at this menopausal nostalgia stage in his music.

2875907, RE: Extralovable is an example of Prince's current cluelessness
Posted by Red07, Mon Mar-17-14 02:43 PM
some part of me believes he does that shit just to troll.. let me ruin it in his evil genius laugh
2875914, See I don't think his new version is bad at all...
Posted by Clarence Clarke, Mon Mar-17-14 03:03 PM
has a really nice laid-back groove to it. Today, I prefer it over his original.

The Yes Yes version is just so sick and intense (even without the images).
It just has undeniable energy to it.

As what's funny is AFKAP is above in the post, speculating that no one would
like this song if it wasn't Prince, but I'd bet some good money that people who
say this new "Extraloveable" is garbage would be praising the shit out of it if
it was the exact same thing by Mayer Hawthorne... dude gets aLOTta praise for
some very ok to decent sounding, reductive stuff aka "turds" as you just called 'em.
2875932, RE: See I don't think his new version is bad at all...
Posted by Red07, Mon Mar-17-14 03:40 PM
2875939, Well, I wouldn't.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Mon Mar-17-14 03:48 PM
>As what's funny is AFKAP is above in the post, speculating
>that no one would
>like this song if it wasn't Prince, but I'd bet some good
>money that people who
>say this new "Extraloveable" is garbage would be praising the
>shit out of it if
>it was the exact same thing by Mayer Hawthorne...

But even if they DID praise Mayer Hawthorne for making such a track, isn't it obvious that people expect LESS from Mayer Hawthorne than they do from Prince?

ESPECIALLY when there is a superior version of the song... recorded by the same artist. The problem with "Extraloveable" was not that it was a wack song... it was that it was an inferior version of a song he had already done. If it had been a new song, he'd have gotten a lot more leeway.
2876055, RE: Well, I wouldn't.
Posted by Red07, Tue Mar-18-14 05:26 AM
IN other news


Game Blouses
2876114, Drums aside this is very much a Prince sounding track
Posted by OldPro, Tue Mar-18-14 01:26 PM
Dude has been dropping pop music from day 1
Reunion Radio Podcasts
Twitter @therealoldpro
2876824, I keep listening to it trying to imagine that it's not a Prince song
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Mar-21-14 03:43 PM
And someone like Mayer Hawthorne released it. I am pretty sure that it wouldn't get more play it more if it wasn't Prince. Can't say for sure though. I am definitely tainted.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

2877010, It's a hit!
Posted by jshua, Sun Mar-23-14 09:08 AM
Get over it!
The marketing push has begun and it will be a commercial...

Nothing to see here...Move on!
3016142, Man I've been thinking about whether if Prince dropped a Mayer Hawthorne
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri May-10-19 10:49 AM
song would I dig it as much as I dig say this:


or the vice versa, that is, if Mayer Hawthorne dropped the prince song from this OP would I dig it.

Or two put another way, what is a hotter track, the Prince song in the OP or this Mayer hawthorne track? Or this Tom Misch song


"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"