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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectSlowdive's FACT Mix (link)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2874510&mesg_id=2874510
2874510, Slowdive's FACT Mix (link)
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Mon Mar-10-14 10:57 AM

01 Sonic Youth: "Silver Rocket"
02 Can: "Mother Sky"
03 The Byrds: "8 Miles high"
04 My Bloody Valentine: "Clair"
05 Dinosaur Jr: "Let It Ride"
06 AR Kane: "Haunting"
07 This Mortal Coil: "Song to the Siren"
08 Bert Jansch: "Come Sing Me a Happy Song to Prove We Can All Get Along the Lumpy Bumpy Long and Dusty Road"
09 Swans: "Saved"
10 Brian Eno: "The Big Ship"
11 Cocteau Twin: "Pink Orange Red"
12 Phillip Glass: "Floe"
13 Yo La Tengo: "Sugarcube"
14 Taylor Deupree: "Img_0083"
15 Kitchens Of Distinction: "The 3rd Time We Opened the Capsule"
16 Nick Drake: "Riverman"
17 Bark Psychosis: "Nothing Feels"
18 The Smiths: "How Soon Is Now"
19 The Stooges: "Search And Destroy"
20 The Cure: "Cold"
21 Spiritualized: "Run"
22 Syd Barrett: "Terrapin"