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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subject6 months later: how frequently do you listen to anything off yeezus?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2866193
2866193, 6 months later: how frequently do you listen to anything off yeezus?
Posted by otto_von_piffmarck, Sat Jan-18-14 06:02 PM
heralded as "one of the greatest albums of all-time" by music critics all the way back in june of 2013.

so, how has it aged as of jan 2014?
2866199, it's in semi-regular rotation with all the rest of kanye's albums.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Jan-18-14 06:13 PM
the songs are good for the most part but it doesn't cohere as an album.
some songs and yezzus that would sound perfect on MBDTF
sound out of place on yeezus.

2866200, you are overstating how much music critics liked this album.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Jan-18-14 06:17 PM
>heralded as "one of the greatest albums of all-time" by music
>critics all the way back in june of 2013.

nobody was saying it was on the level of "revolver,"
"bitches brew" "off the wall" or "sign of the times."

i don't even remember anybody saying it was the best kanye album.

i remember critics liked it a lot,
but it was heralded as a run of the mill great record.
your memories are off.

2866201, so what albums did YOU like in 2013?
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Jan-18-14 06:20 PM
doesn't even have to be a new album.
what old music moved you more than kanye's latest.

or, be negative.
what didn't you like about the kanye album?

i could write a review that tears that album apart.
i am curious to hear what your flaws bugged you the most.
2866202, when you click a post and see all the replies came from 1 person...
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Jan-18-14 06:22 PM
is that annoying?
2866203, no, thanks for replying.
Posted by otto_von_piffmarck, Sat Jan-18-14 06:26 PM
2866205, it's an honor.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Jan-18-14 06:38 PM
you've taught me so much about music,
about life.

all the albums i thought i liked,
i realized i was wrong.

even this latest kanye album.
no-- especially this kanye album.

i used to think "on sight" had catchy keyboard hooks
and that the one bar hook was a catchy precisely because it
was the opposite of what you expect a hook to do.

but this post has taught me so much.

i am so glad i had the time to write this post to thank you,
while i wait for my pizza to finish cooking.

you are the best poster the lesson has ever seen.
i am upping this post because i want to help you continue
to take up half of the first page.
2866204, lets just anchor a David Banner post.
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Jan-18-14 06:30 PM
in exchange for not having the front page spammed
with an annoying looking screenname,
we give him a post to rant about how music isn't art,
nothing good has been released in the past 35 years,
ppl are wasting time by talking about and releasing music,
and our favorite albums are only our favorite albums
because corporations told us to like them.

every once in a while, he can get a second anchor
where he tries to discuss music theory,
tries to discuss what makes a genius a genius,
and tries to talk about what is missing from today's pop music scene.

then just delete the rest of them.
2866208, RE: FIXED:
Posted by Austin, Sat Jan-18-14 07:07 PM
>just delete.

``i know you are fake. . . 'cause man, i'm the same.``

2866209, technically this isn't a violation of te guidelines...
Posted by Joe Corn Mo, Sat Jan-18-14 07:18 PM
but if i was a mod i would delete every one of those posts.
folks would call me draconian but i would totally do it.

2866210, I wouldn't blame you
Posted by Kosa12, Sat Jan-18-14 07:26 PM
2866213, RE: 6 months later: how frequently do you listen to anything off yeezus?
Posted by murph71, Sat Jan-18-14 08:05 PM

I guess it aged well enough for Yeezus to go platinum, DB...

Who knew?

2866225, never
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Sat Jan-18-14 09:47 PM
2866227, daily.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Jan-18-14 10:09 PM
2866228, RE: 6 months later: how frequently do you listen to anything off yeezus?
Posted by Tycredo, Sat Jan-18-14 10:27 PM
>heralded as "one of the greatest albums of all-time" by music
>critics all the way back in june of 2013.
>so, how has it aged as of jan 2014?

But I disliked it at first listen….and my feelings about it haven't changed much.

And I also think Kanye's music has been steadily declining since his first album.

And I still think it's really weird he drops his most misogynistic release right when he's in a committed relationship and has a daughter. Then again, when you think about his partner, maybe… well….LOL
2866232, Several times a week.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Jan-19-14 01:41 AM
2866238, at least once a week
Posted by Adwhizz, Sun Jan-19-14 03:51 AM
really felt this album
2866240, 6 months after anything it's probably out of the rotation.
Posted by Nodima, Sun Jan-19-14 04:28 AM
never understood how long someone listens to something means it was a success or not. if I had less of a taste for new music, I'd still be listening. but there's several hundred albums a year I have interest in and totally not enough time to get to all of 'em proper, so for me if something stays impressive for 2-3 weeks - hell, 5-10 days - that's the ill shit.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." © Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
2866245, Once every few weeks now
Posted by Ishwip, Sun Jan-19-14 10:04 AM

I don't like the beat anymore because its just a loop. ALC didn't FLIP IT ENOUGH!

Flip it enough? Flip these. Flip off. Go flip some f*cking burgers.(c)Kno

Allied State of the National Electric Beat Treaty Organization (NEBTO)
2866246, hated it 6 months ago...now it's one of my favorite gym albums
Posted by Hellyeah, Sun Jan-19-14 10:41 AM
2866249, 5 songs pretty much stay in rotation
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Sun Jan-19-14 11:31 AM
Not sure how much an album is supposed to age in 6 months. I guess current music fans don't know how to enjoy music.
2866250, It still bangs...listen to it probably 3 times a week...
Posted by ChampD1012, Sun Jan-19-14 11:41 AM
2866251, I still play it often
Posted by Mageddon, Sun Jan-19-14 11:50 AM

2866253, I play the version of Bound 2 that he did with the Roots on Fallon
Posted by DJR, Sun Jan-19-14 12:02 PM
That's about it though.
2866257, Almost daily
Posted by Brother Rabbit, Sun Jan-19-14 01:01 PM
2866269, everyday
Posted by Junebuggy, Sun Jan-19-14 04:02 PM