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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subject12 Play is 20 years old and do i have great memories
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2858901
2858901, 12 Play is 20 years old and do i have great memories
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Sat Nov-30-13 11:20 PM
this was the album of my Young adult hood. the Greatest Modern R&B album period and the Greatest Musical Genius of his time and his vocals and versatility just kept a soul Brother moving.

timeless soulful Music.

Bump and Grind knocked me out however the How it feels Remix Oh Lawd.

your body's callin and those remixes Man.

seems like your'e ready is cold still.

12 play got the rules.

this album was making you feeling it.