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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectfair enough...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2812509&mesg_id=2812874
2812874, fair enough...
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Jun-13-13 04:41 PM

Like I said no snark, I was just scratching my head like "why did this thread spark this?"

I guess I just dont view him as lazy for some reason. Jay Electcanibus?? Now he is lazy.

Mos just seems. . . distracted or he has ADHD or something ha.

One minute he's doing a Blackstar album/mixtape, the next he is doing that top 40 mixtape, the next he is doing OMFGOD, the next I'm reading a Madlib interview where he mentions new Mos in passing.... and all that is in the last 12 months or whatever.

As far as this release, I'm wary of this remix project because I love the original so much. I might check it out though....