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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectThis Yasiin Bey REcstatic album is pretty nice
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2812509
2812509, This Yasiin Bey REcstatic album is pretty nice
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed Jun-12-13 04:43 PM
Whole album remixed by his touring DJ, Preservation. Usually not a fan of these types of albums, especially since the original wasn't really slacking in the beat department, but I've been listening to it all afternoon.

Worth the email address, IMO

2812511, damn, i thought this lazy nigga had some new music coming
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Wed Jun-12-13 04:47 PM
2812549, lol
Posted by guru0509, Wed Jun-12-13 07:26 PM
2812752, lofl
Posted by astralblak, Thu Jun-13-13 12:14 PM
2812513, Momma name him Mos; Imma call him Mos.
Posted by Kid Ray, Wed Jun-12-13 04:56 PM
2812522, hahahahahahaha
Posted by Wordman, Wed Jun-12-13 05:33 PM

"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams
2812547, Just downloaded this, be back with my thoughts
Posted by soulsupreme, Wed Jun-12-13 07:22 PM


"This is your world. Shape it or someone else will." - Gary Lew
2812692, this nigga is fallin further down my list
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Thu Jun-13-13 09:52 AM
so lazy the shit gets frustrating at times
2812696, I hope you're talking about the producer
Posted by Oak27, Thu Jun-13-13 10:20 AM
Cause I'm not sure what this has to do with Mos... unless this is your first time hearing The Ecstatic, which was a great album.
2812697, RE: I hope you're talking about the producer
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Thu Jun-13-13 10:32 AM
I talking about Mos. Have no clue who this producer is outside of his work with Mos. Nigga ain't made an album in four years. Is he that busy in Hollywood that he can't deliver us an album?
2812704, I'm confused by your response too...
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Jun-13-13 10:51 AM

Mos is supposed to have an album out this year, no? In fact, he must be working on 2 because he has that OMFGOD project or whatever....and Madlib said recently he is working on the new Mos album.


Guys like El-P typically take YEARS between projects, is he lazy too?

Not to mention this thread is about his producer dropping a free remix of the Ecstatic album.

No snark at all, I'm just scratching my head....

2812708, RE: I'm confused by your response too...
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Thu Jun-13-13 11:01 AM
>Mos is supposed to have an album out this year, no? In fact,
>he must be working on 2 because he has that OMFGOD project or
>whatever....and Madlib said recently he is working on the new
>Mos album.

Like i said, it's been four years since Mos released an album. I'm not a fan of them boring ass freestyles over popular beats he randomly releases. Maybe y'all are.

>Guys like El-P typically take YEARS between projects, is he
>lazy too?

El is putting out music constantly. Producing and as an emcee. Had two of the best albums last year and is dropping one at the end of the month. No comparison IMO

>Not to mention this thread is about his producer dropping a
>free remix of the Ecstatic album.

The post just made me upset because it made me realize how long it's been since Mos dropped an album. My bad. It happens sometimes. And the post does say Yasiin Bey not whoever the producer is. Just me venting. Don't mind me.

>No snark at all, I'm just scratching my head....
2812724, i get everything you're saying
Posted by fontgangsta, Thu Jun-13-13 11:33 AM
but you come off self righteous as fuck
ya, its been 4 years since he dropped an album
he doesnt owe us anything. and when he does drop something, its guaranteed quality. shit, i wish some of these people dropping albums every year would slow down and take a little more care with their product.
and lazy? wtf? again, just because he's not putting out albums every year, he's clearly working, pursuing various artistic endeavors, etc. not dropping records doesn't equal lazy.
2812728, RE: i get everything you're saying
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Thu Jun-13-13 11:36 AM
>but you come off self righteous as fuck
>ya, its been 4 years since he dropped an album
>he doesnt owe us anything. and when he does drop something,
>its guaranteed quality. shit, i wish some of these people
>dropping albums every year would slow down and take a little
>more care with their product.
>and lazy? wtf? again, just because he's not putting out albums
>every year, he's clearly working, pursuing various artistic
>endeavors, etc. not dropping records doesn't equal lazy.

My bad, I forgot I can't give my personal opinions on OKP's favorites.
2812756, oh give me a break
Posted by fontgangsta, Thu Jun-13-13 12:26 PM
>My bad, I forgot I can't give my personal opinions on OKP's favorites.

theres ways to give an opinion without sounding like a brat.
i told you i understand your point - would I, too, love more mos records in my life? sure.
i just don't see the need to insult an artist that you clearly like just because they're not doing AB & C the way you want it to happen.
im just telling you how you were coming off. you're certainly entitled to your opinion.
2812874, fair enough...
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Jun-13-13 04:41 PM

Like I said no snark, I was just scratching my head like "why did this thread spark this?"

I guess I just dont view him as lazy for some reason. Jay Electcanibus?? Now he is lazy.

Mos just seems. . . distracted or he has ADHD or something ha.

One minute he's doing a Blackstar album/mixtape, the next he is doing that top 40 mixtape, the next he is doing OMFGOD, the next I'm reading a Madlib interview where he mentions new Mos in passing.... and all that is in the last 12 months or whatever.

As far as this release, I'm wary of this remix project because I love the original so much. I might check it out though....

2814018, New Mos LP coming soon apparently...
Posted by PaulyG, Tue Jun-18-13 03:44 PM
This remix album is supposed to be a little gift to fans on the run up to the LP release.
I'm assuming the email sign up for downloading is part of marketing plan for the next album release ie. posting teasers etc
2812717, I've tried d/ling this a dozen times, no dice, someone got another link?
Posted by Wordman, Thu Jun-13-13 11:23 AM

"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams
2812721, Is There A Lank To A Stream Of This Remix Album...
Posted by Dj Joey Joe, Thu Jun-13-13 11:30 AM
...without having to download it, cause I just want to hear it not save it.

I heard one joint off of Mondieu's cloudsound page but wasn't impressed since the original joint was dope to begin with, but I just want to peep his production, plus I don't need to sign up with for any more newsletters or concert info just to hear a free remix album that I'm probably going to delete afterwards.

2812806, I don't care about this, I just want the Mannie Fresh album
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-13-13 02:28 PM
2812818, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Posted by Castro, Thu Jun-13-13 02:53 PM
2814102, ... He has a Mannie Fresh album???
Posted by Kira, Tue Jun-18-13 06:01 PM

Fresh still got heat. I can't wait for this.
2813706, You were right. Solid.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Mon Jun-17-13 10:13 PM
2814050, REALLY enjoying this
Posted by Wordman, Tue Jun-18-13 04:16 PM
I get the "it sounds like the original" argument, but man, these remixes knock.
Good summer tunes.

"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams
2814122, Never really enjoyed Ecstatic all that much
Posted by blinded by the lights, Tue Jun-18-13 06:24 PM
I feel like this production makes the album far more enjoyable.