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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectWhat's new on the reggae scene?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2809125
2809125, What's new on the reggae scene?
Posted by Abstract_TheEclectic_Nubian, Thu May-30-13 06:00 PM
The last new release I checked out was Stephen Marley's last joint. I'm looking for something alont ther lines of that or maybe Steel Pulse's last effort.
2809134, RE: What's new on the reggae scene?
Posted by ajiav, Thu May-30-13 06:27 PM
This guy's a pretty prolific reggae blogger, used to post a ton of reviews on amazon as well (under a different name, originally) - this is his top 25 of 2012, you might be able to find something in there. He's verbose, so there's enough description to get a sense of the individual styles:

2809160, Thanks!
Posted by Abstract_TheEclectic_Nubian, Thu May-30-13 08:06 PM
2809137, Rootz Underground.....
Posted by dundee, Thu May-30-13 06:47 PM

2809161, Cool
Posted by Abstract_TheEclectic_Nubian, Thu May-30-13 08:07 PM
will definately make note of those artists.