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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectJust curious: Judge the flow/style of these bandcamp rappers
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2778103
2778103, Just curious: Judge the flow/style of these bandcamp rappers
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed Feb-13-13 04:41 PM
Not associated with any of these artist, or any artists. I've just been scouring bandcamp to an unhealthy degree. These are all people I thought sounded fairly unique and wanted to see how they're received. Most of them impressed me enough that I check for them now, although for some of them the production gives them the extra push, IMO.

Warning: These are all pretty lofi, undergound, borderline nerd rap type guys.

Wonge (he flows exactly like this on every song)


Davy Hamburgers


Gajah (I purposely chose a track that represented the most extreme side of his flow)


Rapper producer guy. Sloppy in a 3rd tier Wu-Tang type of way. If they just rapped about getting dumped more.


Another rapper producer guy, mellow style I've been digging lately.


Oh, and this sing songy guy

2778108, Davy Hamburgers is one of my fave guys right now
Posted by Mash_Comp, Wed Feb-13-13 05:13 PM
It's some of the mos interesting hip-hop I've heard in a while.
2778117, im on bandcamp, check mine as well
Posted by Laz aka Black Native, Wed Feb-13-13 05:24 PM
2778164, RE: Just curious: Judge the flow/style of these bandcamp rappers
Posted by imcvspl, Wed Feb-13-13 09:11 PM
>Wonge (he flows exactly like this on every song)

Pretty generic underground-y. eq on his voice is mad annoying.

>Davy Hamburgers

Sounds like he's having fun, but didn't really display any skill.

>Gajah (I purposely chose a track that represented the most
>extreme side of his flow)

ATU'ish with the singing and all that. I could see him coming with something.

>Rapper producer guy. Sloppy in a 3rd tier Wu-Tang type of way.
>If they just rapped about getting dumped more.

Hear the wu ref... not bad if they tightened it up.

>Another rapper producer guy, mellow style I've been digging

Sounds like he's whispering in a girl's ear.

>Oh, and this sing songy guy

Like him better when he's not singing Umi Says.

I think Gajah is my favorite of the bunch, but the biggest set back wasn't the flows it was the content. Nothing stood out like oh I might hear something different on this.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." © Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
2778171, While we're at it, these guys deserve a listen:
Posted by blinded by the lights, Wed Feb-13-13 09:24 PM