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Topic subjectDid Common mess up his legacy with UMC and The Dreamer?
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2759137, Did Common mess up his legacy with UMC and The Dreamer?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Nov-28-12 09:24 AM
This question was sparked because someone was clowned for naming Common in their top 5 in GD. I kind of agreed it was clown worthy but then I remembered that Common was my favorite MC for over a decade (starting with Resurrection).

I hear talks of him doing a new LP and I kind of cringe more than get excited about it.

I can't help but think if ole boy had retired by Finding Forever folks wouldn't be challenging his status as one of the greats.

Thoughts anyone?

"naive as the dry leaves on the ground looking past the trees to the blue sky asking 'why me?'" -Blu

Why I still fuzz with the Lesson
2759138, The Dreamer/Believer was critcally loved and folks liked it
Posted by Menphyel7, Wed Nov-28-12 09:25 AM
he had fucked up with UMC and folks was callin him over than he drop Dreamer/beleiver and came back.

Everytime they say he is over he has come back...rememember he was over after EC 2.

2759142, Correct.
Posted by Brew, Wed Nov-28-12 09:32 AM
But, to the OP's point, I think that UMC really shook half his fan base. Like, even Common fans who hated Electric Circus could at least look at it and say "OK the dude has one major blemish in his discography, otherwise he's been top notch almost his whole career". But UMC was so forced, so corny, so fucking BAD that I think half his fan base will never look at him the same again.

And that is unfortunate because I, like you guys, consider the run from Resurrection through Be to be one of the best runs in hiphop history, specifically on the lyrical tip. I think from like 1994 - 2000 he was the best spitter in the game bar none. Just my opinion but I just loved his style during that time.

So yea ... I think UMC is the worst thing that happened to him. Cause The Dreamer...is really an excellent album, but half of his fan base just kinda still says "mehhhh", and I think a lot of that has to do with UMC. Had UMC never been released, I think a lot of that 50% would look at The Dreamer quite differently..
2759148, You might be right
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Nov-28-12 09:35 AM
I gave the Believer maybe 1 and a half listens to but I couldn't get into it and maybe because I still had the taste of UMC in my mouth.

Maybe I should give it another spin.

"naive as the dry leaves on the ground looking past the trees to the blue sky asking 'why me?'" -Blu

Why I still fuzz with the Lesson
2759155, Yea. And that's totally understandable.
Posted by Brew, Wed Nov-28-12 09:40 AM
It's hard to look at the guy the same when he drops that kind of a mess.

But I definitely urge you to give it another shot, and try to just judge it on its own merits, cause I think it really is good. It has a few "meh" moments but overall I think it was a return to form. "Gold" comes to mind as an absolute standout.
2759170, RE: Correct.
Posted by Anonymous, Wed Nov-28-12 10:12 AM
Com definitely had one of the best runs from Resurrection to LWFC.

Not sure I would say he was the best 'spitter' that entire time but when taking everything into account, he probably was the most consistent and is right there with Kast as having the best 4 albums in that time frame.

EC did hurt him a bit in my opinion. I know some people loved it but it was the moment where I felt that he became a follower. It was like he went in trying to make his Stankonia and it just didn't come off natural to me.

He came back pretty strong with Be but in retrospect, I think that album benefited a lot from coming after EC and from Kanyes success. Not a bad album by any means and I can still rock with it, but I don't think it's as good as his Resurrection-LWFC run at all.

Be, Finding Forever, and The Dreamer/The Believer are a slow decline but still a decent end of career run. UMC was just an embarrassment.
2759187, Even though UMC isn't considered a good look for Common...
Posted by Af-1, Wed Nov-28-12 10:34 AM
do people agree that The Neptunes had some fantastic production on that release? I really wish that had been a Jay-Z album.
2759254, Sigh
Posted by phemom, Wed Nov-28-12 12:17 PM
If UMC had just been a 5 song EP w/the neptunes like it has supposed to be originally no one would talk about this.

The songs Com did w/Pharrell were DOPE, add the song w/Cee-Lo and it's a damn good ep. Making it an album and dropping it in the dead of winter killed it.

Oh Pharrell being an IRobot in the UMC video didn't help either.
2759350, Then that 50% gotta stfu when we discuss Common.
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Wed Nov-28-12 03:20 PM
People kill me thinking their opinion on some shit matters when they don't even listen to it.

Even still, droppin' weaker shit later in the career doesn't mean a person didn't spit crazy
at one point. We can all agree that Common had a great run. He's one of the best to ever do it.
Point blank, period.
2759364, Yep.
Posted by Brew, Wed Nov-28-12 03:47 PM
2759145, I gave EC a pass because I don't blame artist for experimenting
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Nov-28-12 09:33 AM
I thought it was over for Common by the Believer because it seemed like he tried to get that old thing back after UMC and he couldn't muster it up. It felt forced and faked. Like he lost that Mojo.

I love dude for his old work but I sincerely don't believe he can rap anymore.

"naive as the dry leaves on the ground looking past the trees to the blue sky asking 'why me?'" -Blu

Why I still fuzz with the Lesson
2759156, RE: I gave EC a pass because I don't blame artist for experimenting
Posted by Brew, Wed Nov-28-12 09:42 AM
>I thought it was over for Common by the Believer because it
>seemed like he tried to get that old thing back after UMC and
>he couldn't muster it up. It felt forced and faked. Like he
>lost that Mojo.

This is what I can understand and see. "mojo" is a good word for it. Especially in the 1994-2000 period I talked about above, he had some kind of swag/mojo that I don't think can be replicated. He definitely lost it to some extent, which I think is a product of both UMC and his age, I think it just naturally happens as MCs get older. JayZ is another example.

>I love dude for his old work but I sincerely don't believe he
>can rap anymore.

But, see, I definitely think he can still spit. It's just a lot of times there's *something* missing in the delivery, the confidence, something. But he still spits.
2759147, man what. Be put him back on the map
Posted by hardware, Wed Nov-28-12 09:35 AM
UMC was hard to listen to
i tried really hard tho

i haven't even picked up Dreamer
2759149, Yeah, I think most include Be as part of the Good Run.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Nov-28-12 09:36 AM

"naive as the dry leaves on the ground looking past the trees to the blue sky asking 'why me?'" -Blu

Why I still fuzz with the Lesson
2759150, While a dud, UMC had good songs...it's his worst album
Posted by IslaSoul, Wed Nov-28-12 09:36 AM


The Dreamer/The believer was very good
outside a few cringe worthy lines here & there
he delivered a quality project.

Common has a solid discography
and I'm excited to hear what's next
2759171, I think it's mostly an image thing...
Posted by Frobert, Wed Nov-28-12 10:14 AM
I blame the Come Close video
2759226, His image took a severe beat down from ethering the God Ice Cube
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Nov-28-12 11:31 AM
to being made to look like an old hating ass old head jealous over a chick.

"naive as the dry leaves on the ground looking past the trees to the blue sky asking 'why me?'" -Blu

Why I still fuzz with the Lesson
2759174, UMC, yes. The Dreamer, no.
Posted by HellToDaNaw, Wed Nov-28-12 10:19 AM
2759176, Bigger problem was the Drake thing.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Nov-28-12 10:21 AM

Dreamer/Believer was a good album

But the Drake beef was pussified and Common came off
wack lyrically + Drake came off as the bigger man in the
whole shit

That's why I'm barely looking forward to his next shit

Com always made good music + was the type of nigga
who you always rooted for....could see in my camp of
niggas, etc

He basically got punked by Drake

Not saying I will openly refuse to support his work because
at the end of the day good music is good music

But he's regressed into a herb


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O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2759354, word @ all of that
Posted by Grand_Royal, Wed Nov-28-12 03:28 PM
2759177, There were trying to clown me, here is my response:
Posted by the_time_is_when_god...lounge, Wed Nov-28-12 10:21 AM
Common is in my top 5. Actually he is number 4 in my top which goes as follows (I was born in '86, so I keep the 80s out of my mouth. If I can't remember what the environment was like at the time of the releases of their classic albums and songs, I don't even pretend to know their legacy even if I have thoroughly listened)

Ghostface Killah
Pun/Pac/Ice Cube

Now here is my case for Common being in my top 5

Not many rappers have a better 3 album run than Resurrection, One day..., and LWFC. I consider two of those albums classic. Then he made BE in 2005. Not many rappers have made albums as good as BE that late in their rap careers. That in itself is an amazing feat in my eyes...that longevity to make a BE 10+ years into your career.

He then has a nice catalogue of pretty good albums (Can I Borrow, EC, FF)

I do think UMC and The Dreamer are pretty much wack, but at this point of his career his legacy is already cemented. A 13 year run of making good to classic rap albums is simply not paralleled by 95% of rappers. Image and content and whatever other problems niggas may have with Common aside.

All this on top of the fact that his lyricism from a poetic standpoint and his lyrical dexterity are top notch.
2759195, LOL@ 3 people being number 5. That ain't a top 5, that's a top 7!
Posted by Anonymous, Wed Nov-28-12 10:42 AM
and if longevity plays such an important role to you, why is Pun in the top 5?

Just curious...and I do see you picked Cube below.
2759197, haha I know...I can't decide between those 3... I'll say Cube then
Posted by the_time_is_when_god...lounge, Wed Nov-28-12 10:46 AM
2759190, Was the Dreamer/Believer any good?
Posted by spew120, Wed Nov-28-12 10:38 AM
I think I gave up after 2-3 tracks.
2759211, Yes. n/m
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Nov-28-12 11:00 AM


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2759191, sees Electric Circus hate
Posted by astralblak, Wed Nov-28-12 10:38 AM
walks out post

before i leave, O_E right about the Drake thing. not a good look
2759200, ^ alla dat
Posted by DolphinTeef, Wed Nov-28-12 10:49 AM
2759206, Even if you love EC
Posted by Anonymous, Wed Nov-28-12 10:52 AM
You should be able to understand people not digging it.

Lets not be ridiculous now.

As you can tell by my avy, I love Neil Young but if someone said they didn't like him, I would understand.
2759352, RE: Even if you love EC
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Wed Nov-28-12 03:27 PM
>You should be able to understand people not digging it.
>Lets not be ridiculous now.
>As you can tell by my avy, I love Neil Young but if someone
>said they didn't like him, I would understand.

On the same token, for those who don't dig it, they *should* be able to understand why it's nice.
The lyrics are still good even if you don't like the music. Muhfuckas just gotta say it's too
different for them and gtfoh.
2759425, no.
Posted by astralblak, Wed Nov-28-12 06:39 PM
most heads went off the look of the Come Close video, which coupled with it being a re-hashed/watered-down version/concept of The Light, folks didn't listen to the actual album

"Jimi was a rock star" and "I Got A Right Ta" were the only "weird" or cringe worthy songs on there.

Common was rapping his muthafucn ass off on the whole thing, and where 'Kast went deep Parliament with it on Stankonia, EC was on the Jimi end of the spectrum.

any album with Soul Power, I Am Music, Between Me You & Liberation, Star 69, and Aquarius can not be wack on any level. Your ears are fucked up if you think other wise
2759527, My biggest problem with EC is I saw it being two steps behind 3000.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Nov-29-12 05:42 AM
Bad enough you dating his ole broad now you following up on Andre 3000s jimi Hendrix astrology spaced out funk phase a few years after 3000 already been there?

>most heads went off the look of the Come Close video, which
>coupled with it being a re-hashed/watered-down version/concept
>of The Light, folks didn't listen to the actual album
>"Jimi was a rock star" and "I Got A Right Ta" were the only
>"weird" or cringe worthy songs on there.
>Common was rapping his muthafucn ass off on the whole thing,
>and where 'Kast went deep Parliament with it on Stankonia, EC
>was on the Jimi end of the spectrum.
>any album with Soul Power, I Am Music, Between Me You &
>Liberation, Star 69, and Aquarius can not be wack on any
>level. Your ears are fucked up if you think other wise

"naive as the dry leaves on the ground looking past the trees to the blue sky asking 'why me?'" -Blu

Why I still fuzz with the Lesson
2759620, so nuthin' to do with the music, got it
Posted by astralblak, Thu Nov-29-12 12:13 PM
2759691, Base. You nailed that one.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Nov-29-12 02:19 PM

Literally these complaints have nothing to do with music

That is the definition hipster shit


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2759207, UMC kinda saved EC
Posted by fontgangsta, Wed Nov-28-12 10:55 AM
HA! i mean, i like EC - as someone else said here, cant front on artists for being creative. but for the folks who DIDN'T get it, umc EASILY takes the bottom spot, so it actually saves us from having to make a lot of defense for EC (that it shouldn't even really need in the first place)
2759208, i feel like UMC will probably have the EC effect
Posted by hardware, Wed Nov-28-12 10:56 AM
and work in retrospect
2759229, Oh god no. Even if you don't like the beats, EC at least had lyricism...
Posted by Brew, Wed Nov-28-12 11:37 AM
to offset it.
2759269, hmmmm no
Posted by fontgangsta, Wed Nov-28-12 12:38 PM
you'd need rose-colored glasses, beer goggles, AND x-ray vision to ever look back and see that album as anything other than a mess
2759260, Good master, that's all I can say about that
Posted by Yank, Wed Nov-28-12 12:24 PM
2759215, RE: Did Common mess up his legacy with UMC and The Dreamer?
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Wed Nov-28-12 11:07 AM
>This question was sparked because someone was clowned for
>naming Common in their top 5 in GD. I kind of agreed it was
>clown worthy but then I remembered that Common was my favorite
>MC for over a decade (starting with Resurrection).

He and Nas changed the way I viewed rap in the 90's. In fact, they made me wanna rap, so I did. Patterned myself after the two. As far as UMC..I hated that sh*t. The Dreamer was okay...u can tell he was showin' his age on it, though.
2759230, Comm and Nas are my top 2 all time.
Posted by Brew, Wed Nov-28-12 11:38 AM
2759239, Top 10 for Com for me
Posted by Anonymous, Wed Nov-28-12 11:55 AM
And I really don't know why he isn't higher.

Like I said, one of the best runs of that time period but he just doesn't grab me like a few others who don't have as strong of a catalogue.

And I'm talking my favorite MCs now. But I think if you grew up in the 90s, then Com should be in at least your top 10
2759231, It was probably the Rapunzel video or playing T.I.'s dad in a movie
Posted by Bombastic, Wed Nov-28-12 11:40 AM
2759243, yes. n/m
Posted by sweeneykovar, Wed Nov-28-12 12:00 PM
2759248, I still can't believe how much some people hate EC
Posted by PCProductions, Wed Nov-28-12 12:09 PM
That was such a cool album. Even if it ain't your style you gotta appreciate how neat and different it is. It's his third best album I think.
2759251, RE: Did Common mess up his legacy with UMC and The Dreamer?
Posted by Conscious, Wed Nov-28-12 12:12 PM
I'm kinda bothered by that cable show myself. but n/m
2759264, What Common can do to "resurrect" his greatness
Posted by Jrod Indigo, Wed Nov-28-12 12:29 PM
On the next album, he should (in my opinion) pull together all of his best producers from all his dope albums and make a solid opus (N.O. ID, Twilite Tone, The Soulquarians, J Dilla, Karriem Riggins, Kanye West). I say J Dilla of course because Com can holla at Ma Dukes for a JD beat and the fact that Common always bring it over a Dilla beat. I kow Com reads these posts, so it wouldn't be cool for me to go in on him about how weak some of his more recent stuff has been.

If he works with all those producers that I suggested on his new album..he'll be cool.
2759268, he's done.
Posted by DolphinTeef, Wed Nov-28-12 12:37 PM
his lyrics and flow are the problem.

he should focus on acting more and limit himself to guest appearances until he has something worthwhile to talk about. He's going thru the motions and it's painfully obvious.
2759273, Just listened to E=MC2 the other day...
Posted by Brew, Wed Nov-28-12 12:43 PM
fuckin right he always brought it over Dilla shit. He wrecked that song.

But, I think at this point, he'll never get back to the level he was at. No matter if UMC ever happened or not, his age and current status (Hollywood/rich) wouldn't allow him to be the hungry, up and coming spitter he was in the mid-to-late 90s/early 2000s. It's just science, man. JayZ is going thru the same shit right now. No matter who you pair them with, neither will regain what they had. Credit to both of them for solid catalogues tho and releasing good-to-great albums so late in their careers.
2759333, few thoughts
Posted by Stadiq, Wed Nov-28-12 02:51 PM

#1 I never understand people who claim to be fans of someone say "he should quit"....I mean, wouldn't we all like to see him come correct??

Com is in my top 5 or so...I want him to keep making music. Its possible to have a long career in rap if you do it right (see De La and The Roots)

#2 Dude needs to switch the format up. I dug most of The Dreamer (there are some NICE tracks on there)...but it came off to me as essentially Be part 3 (FF being part 2)

What should that format be? I don't know.

Release 2 or 3 eps in 2013, rather than an album??

Go concept to force him to tighten up the lyrics??

Do a one producer thing...but someone he hasnt worked with yet who might push him?

Something Dilla related of course wouldn't be a bad look at all.

I don't know.

People thought Nas was done too, did anyone really expect Life is Good to be an AOTY contender??

2759257, Try Electric Circus
Posted by Yank, Wed Nov-28-12 12:23 PM
The best mastered hip hop album I ever heard however, that's all I got
2759274, No, it's understood that his time has passed.
Posted by Teknontheou, Wed Nov-28-12 12:44 PM
That happens with all but a handful of rappers. Jay and maybe 3000 (and Nas) are the only classic rappers who are still kind of being judged on their current output. Everyone else is understood to have a pass to put out subpar music once their time has passed.
2759278, I think it's the acting, i.e. mass exposure
Posted by bentagain, Wed Nov-28-12 12:50 PM
I preface this by saying he has to be one of the worst actors I've ever seen...


BE saw Com get more mainstream love

and it appears that the more relevant he's become on a global level

his music career has suffered

he might have been more revered as an MC had he gone the 3ooo route

stopped putting out complete projects

and just hop on a track here and there

just my $.02

but to answer your question directly

his legacy was one of the illest MCs

and his previous bodies of work cemented his place in the pantheon of GOATs

I have no problem putting him in my top 10

regardless of how terrible subsequent albums may be.
2759325, How much of UMC is Pharrell's fault?
Posted by SanFrancisco, Wed Nov-28-12 02:34 PM
The Neptunes produced 70% of the album.
2759332, the production wasn't the problem n/m
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Wed Nov-28-12 02:50 PM
2759335, Production just didn't fit Common
Posted by Anonymous, Wed Nov-28-12 02:57 PM
Unfortunately the industry won't allow MCs to stay in their lane because there is only one lane that gets any type of burn in the mainstream.
2759399, What do Andre 3000, Jay-z and Nas have that Common hasn't shown?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Nov-28-12 05:41 PM
The ability to mature get older and rich and still put out heartfelt lyrics like a hungry MC. A common resurrection would require him to put out some personal, even drake like, material which he hasn't shown capacity to do in a minute.

"naive as the dry leaves on the ground looking past the trees to the blue sky asking 'why me?'" -Blu

Why I still fuzz with the Lesson
2759402, aka what do ALL rappers have in common?
Posted by DolphinTeef, Wed Nov-28-12 05:45 PM
2759409, What the entire fuck are you talking about?
Posted by Anonymous, Wed Nov-28-12 06:06 PM
Common is the last popular MC you can fault for not being personal.

Dude has been putting his life on wax from the jump.

His last album spoke very clearly on his break-up.

And then you have the nerve to put Jay-Z in the category of MCs who put out personal music.

Name me one personal song on BP3.
2759436, ^ co-sign.
Posted by Brew, Wed Nov-28-12 07:05 PM
Common wrote a song called "Windows" all about his daughter growing up and his dealing with it.
2759622, LOFL. Thank you
Posted by astralblak, Thu Nov-29-12 12:17 PM
this fool said jay-Z. nigga who made a "concept" dope dealing album in his late 30s, being a multi-millionaire, and who just recently, as in only Watch The Throne recently, began to explore image, choices and social justice, something Com been doing his whole career.
2759531, Wait....what? Jay-Z and 3000? You smoking tea bags?
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Nov-29-12 06:06 AM
>The ability to mature get older and rich and still put out
>heartfelt lyrics like a hungry MC. A common resurrection
>would require him to put out some personal, even drake like,
>material which he hasn't shown capacity to do in a minute.

I'm a Jay fan and must admit that Jay has put out
sugary lyrics for almost a decade now

And 3000?

What, his one verse every two years?


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2759668, Meh
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Nov-29-12 01:20 PM
I figure I would catch heat for throwing Jay-Z into the mix. I went back and listened to the personal tracks from Common on The Dreamer/The Believer. Lovin' I Lost and Windows right? I wasn't sure because those are pretty generic ex-girl/daughter love tracks and I am not sure if you are referring to something else. If so I found both incredibly boring.

IMHOP Jay's Glory is waaay more heartfelt and an emotional tribute to his daughter than Windows. Same with Nas' tribute. I would also say that Andre 3000 and Nas's ode's to their exes were more intimate and personal. Just my opinion.

I am not arguing catalog but I am talk about who is doing it TODAY and when you compare NAS, Jay-Z, Andre 3000 and Common today by latest release, Common is the one who has seemed to have lost his touch and to be phoning it in.

"naive as the dry leaves on the ground looking past the trees to the blue sky asking 'why me?'" -Blu

Why I still fuzz with the Lesson
2759675, You are literally a silly caricature of a hipster.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Nov-29-12 01:26 PM

>I went back and listened to the personal tracks from Common on
>The Dreamer/The Believer. Lovin' I Lost and Windows right? I
>wasn't sure because those are pretty generic ex-girl/daughter
>love tracks and I am not sure if you are referring to
>something else. If so I found both incredibly boring.

>IMHOP Jay's Glory is waaay more heartfelt and an emotional
>tribute to his daughter than Windows.

Glory is one of the most contrived songs in the history of
the galaxy. It was made right after him and his wife
decided to buy the floor at the UCLA hospital and put
in the patent application on the name. Fuck outtahere

>Same with Nas' tribute.
>I would also say that Andre 3000 and Nas's ode's to their
>exes were more intimate and personal. Just my opinion.

Andre 3000 is a gilette model and the Love Below is
his last album. That was millions of years ago, fuck you
talking about

>I am not arguing catalog but I am talk about who is doing it
>TODAY and when you compare NAS, Jay-Z, Andre 3000 and Common
>today by latest release, Common is the one who has seemed to
>have lost his touch and to be phoning it in.

No, you're wrong. Nas made a great album after a run of mediocre

Jay just released (with Kanye) one of the most insincere albums

3000 is doing commercials

Not even sure what you're talking about


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2759686, Is hipster to you some generic term for shit you don't like?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Nov-29-12 01:52 PM
Never been called one in my 35 years so not sure why its applicable now.

Also your use of the word "literally" is a bit suspect.

Wouldn't it just make more sense to say "I disagree with you" and leave it at that?

Y'all kill me with the name calling for having different tastes. LOL.

"naive as the dry leaves on the ground looking past the trees to the blue sky asking 'why me?'" -Blu

Why I still fuzz with the Lesson
2759439, Last quality full length...
Posted by spidey, Wed Nov-28-12 07:13 PM
...was "Be"...after that, I am done with the artist formely known as Sense...and was a HUGE fan....
2759442, He just gets too corny too often now and I cringe
Posted by zuma1986, Wed Nov-28-12 07:25 PM
His verse on "The Morning" was very cringe-worthy in parts, I shouldn't have to feel that way when listening to get MC. I liked a lot of "The Dreamer/The Believer" but even that had some cringe moments. I feel like either he lost his passion for pushing himself intellectually and musically or decided it's easier to make himself a man of the people in superficial/sloganeering way. I couldn't imagine him making a songs like "A Song For Assata" or "Between Me, You & Liberation" or at least half as good. Kanye and him can make some great songs but I think also Kanye pushed him off the poet tip and got him building a marketable persona that could jump on a track with The Jonas Brothers or do Gap commercials.
2759443, EC was a huge dissappointment
Posted by quatto, Wed Nov-28-12 07:31 PM
but when he started workin with kanye, i just stopped caring. BE has some tracks but it just seemed like he kinda gave up after failing at trying some shit.

to me, there was some real hope for a minute that the soulquarians and others around that time were gonna make some real innovative and momentous records more than they ended up doing.. and BE just seemed like a cowawrdly retreat into safeness to me. its just not that interesting.

plus, even as someone who doesnt care much about "selling out" that fuckin COKE commercial with maya was a huge shit stain on my respect for dude:


watch that shit without cringing. the douchiness astounds.

that said, by the time those two albums came out i didnt even bother listening. ive never heard them. finding forever was an embarassment.

2759448, He was always corny at heart, but he used to temper it with raw skill
Posted by TomWaitsInOkkervil, Wed Nov-28-12 07:50 PM
But then his acting career started to take off. That split his focus, got him more comfortable, made him think about his image more, he basically embraced Hollywood, and the corniness finally won the battle, and swallowed Common Sense whole.
2759532, Wow, lessonheads came out crying like pussies in this thread.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Nov-29-12 06:07 AM

Niggas complaining about his coke commercial?

And working with Kanye?

Y'all don't even try to think for yourselves, do

I mean, I thought dude came off like a hoe in the
Drake beef but y'all just coming out the woodowork
with nonsensical complaining


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O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2759672, I don't know how you can say complaining about the Drake ish
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Nov-29-12 01:24 PM
is okay but the other stuff is off limits.

The kanye diss is wack to me but because persona is so important to an MC, the Gap Commercials, Sesame Street Songs, Veganism, PETA spokesman role all make it very difficult for you to credibly drop a track like "Sweet".

"naive as the dry leaves on the ground looking past the trees to the blue sky asking 'why me?'" -Blu

Why I still fuzz with the Lesson
2759781, RE: Wow, lessonheads came out crying like pussies in this thread.
Posted by quatto, Thu Nov-29-12 07:27 PM

>Niggas complaining about his coke commercial?

did you watch it though? ..... for real it didnt make you physically uncomfortable?

not that it has much to do with his career, but damn if that aint gonna put your later albums in a shitty context.
2759534, Electric Circus was amazing. Dreamer was great. *shrugs*
Posted by Brotha Sun, Thu Nov-29-12 06:36 AM
If jay z can drop TWO albums with R.Kelly that people pretend doesnt exist, Common can drop universal mind control
2759631, ^^^^someone please explain that one to me
Posted by Anonymous, Thu Nov-29-12 12:38 PM
Jay fills 75% of his album with garbage that people forget about.
2759639, see The Black Album and American Gangster
Posted by bentagain, Thu Nov-29-12 12:46 PM
are we going to compare FF and Dreamer/Believer to those albums?
2759643, American Gangster was great, Black Album had filler
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Nov-29-12 12:48 PM
>are we going to compare FF and Dreamer/Believer to those


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2759651, I think you had those switched around
Posted by the_time_is_when_god...lounge, Thu Nov-29-12 12:57 PM
2759650, Kingdom Come/American Gangster/BP3 = FF/UMC/Dreamer
Posted by the_time_is_when_god...lounge, Thu Nov-29-12 12:56 PM
2759653, RE: Kingdom Come/American Gangster/BP3 = FF/UMC/Dreamer
Posted by Brew, Thu Nov-29-12 01:00 PM
Kingdom Come = Finding Forever
American Gangster = Dreamer/Believer
Blueprint 3 = Universal Mind Control

Yea I could see that.
2759662, Finding Forever >> Kingdom Come.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Nov-29-12 01:12 PM

Kingdom Come was actually a terrible album


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2759667, I liked a good portion of it ... but it was subpar.
Posted by Brew, Thu Nov-29-12 01:18 PM
But so was FF, so for the purposes of this particular 3 albums vs. 3 albums discussion I thought that was the best match.
2759670, Nah FF was average at worst. Lessonheads didn't like it.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Nov-29-12 01:22 PM

FF was actually quite good.

That was the time when hipsters started piling on Common
because of the acting and all that, so people didn't want to
admit that it was a good album


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2759674, Well, for the record, I liked FF and bumped it for a while...
Posted by Brew, Thu Nov-29-12 01:24 PM
but by Common's standards, it was absolutely subpar. It was basically a remake of Be...similar structuring, similar song themes, etc.

But again, I liked it, so no use belaboring the point. My point was just that by Common's lofty standards, the album didn't live up to his better work.
2759677, o so we using double standards?
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Nov-29-12 01:28 PM
>but by Common's standards, it was absolutely subpar. It was
>basically a remake of Be...similar structuring, similar song
>themes, etc.

Yeah, note how Common is the only one to get this critique.

I mean, a lot of Jay albums have a similar sound too, I never
heard this critique of Jay nearly as much as I did Be and FF

>But again, I liked it, so no use belaboring the point. My
>point was just that by Common's lofty standards, the album
>didn't live up to his better work.

So Finding Forever was bad by Common's standards, but it was
far better than Kingdom Come by objective standards?

Don't even agree with that (I think Finding Forever was good
by any standards)


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2759681, I don't know why I bother with you, but...
Posted by Brew, Thu Nov-29-12 01:32 PM
>Yeah, note how Common is the only one to get this critique.

Sure...maybe he is, but isn't that a good thing? As in, doesn't that say more about the quality of his other output than it does about this album? Yes, it's good, but the word "subpar" was used when I was comparing it against his other albums. Maybe you're just misunderstanding the English language?

>I mean, a lot of Jay albums have a similar sound too, I never
>heard this critique of Jay nearly as much as I did Be and FF

I just said that Kingdom Come was subpar...maybe you have a reading comprehension problem?

>So Finding Forever was bad by Common's standards, but it was
>far better than Kingdom Come by objective standards?

I never said that.

>Don't even agree with that (I think Finding Forever was good
>by any standards"
