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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectwhats effing with this really? >>>>
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2757767
2757767, whats effing with this really? >>>>
Posted by andacagar, Wed Nov-21-12 11:16 AM

like seriously whats effing with this lyrically?
2757991, this, for a start
Posted by Nij, Thu Nov-22-12 07:58 AM


2758088, Nah. No shade on The Roots though.
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Fri Nov-23-12 05:12 AM
2758009, Its easy to write with no breath control or multi syllabic rhyming
Posted by Admbmb, Thu Nov-22-12 10:38 AM
I used to like Immortal, but he's an exhausting listen. Same slow cadence, same tone, same schtick. Its like a spoken word poet over really shitty beats.
2758087, However, most multi syllabic rappers don't rap about shit.
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Fri Nov-23-12 05:11 AM
And I ain't mad at Immortal when he's not sounding choppy with his flow, which he doesn't on this
particular song.
2758109, RE: Its easy to write with no breath control or multi syllabic rhyming
Posted by Benedict the Moor, Fri Nov-23-12 10:12 AM
>spoken word
>poet over really shitty beats.

tech is actually very good at picking beats. not sure what you've been listening to.
2758086, For the combination of lyrics, consciousness, and ideology
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Fri Nov-23-12 05:09 AM
just about nothing is fucking with that outside of some Wise Intelligent shit or Kendrick Lamar's Hiipower.

With a song like the one in reply #1, no shade on The Roots but that joint is just niggas rappin'
all willy nilly about random shit, so I can't say it's seeing Industrial Revolution... lyrical prowess
around a powerful and focused idea.
2758108, imo both revolutionary vol 2 and 3rd world are classics
Posted by Benedict the Moor, Fri Nov-23-12 10:10 AM