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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: What Albums from 2011 got the most play from you in 2012?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2757030&mesg_id=2757047
2757047, RE: What Albums from 2011 got the most play from you in 2012?
Posted by howisya, Mon Nov-19-12 11:44 AM
i'll join you in saying The Roots - Undun (because it came out so late last year)
Common - The Dreamer / The Believer (same reason)
Drake - Take Care (same reason)
Blue Daisy - The Sunday Gift (same reason)
Meredith Monk - Songs Of Ascension
Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will. (i kept this in rotation longer than i would have because their concert was postponed twice, so i saw them over a year after first scheduled)
mmpsuf - Expeditors (discovered this year)
Puscifer - Conditions Of My Parole
Saul Williams - Volcanic Sunlight
Shabazz Palaces - Black Up
Game - The R.E.D. Album
Lil Wayne - Tha Carter IV
The Weeknd - House Of Balloons
Plaid - Scintilli
DJ Shadow - The Less You Know, The Better
hectic zeniths - hectic zeniths (technically a 2012 release, but i received this last year and listened for 10 months straight)

as far as how they shape up compared with my best of 2011 list, i didn't really do one last year. actually i tried and didn't really like the top 10-15 i came up with enough to share it, but some of these same releases were on there, and those that weren't are because i was listening to them early enough in 2011 that they were out of rotation by 2012. i am a cd buyer so i have a few cd's i keep in the car for weeks to months, every once in a while over a year, and call that my rotation along with the small few download-only albums i return to like mmpsuf and, until now, the weeknd. i buy a lot of new releases, but i also buy a lot of albums that came out in previous years (decades) and treat them the same. 2 of my most listened to albums this year were Mountain Man - Made The Harbor and Tori Amos - Scarlet's Walk. so while i vouch for the aforementioned, it's mostly circumstantial that my listening to them bled into this year.