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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectWhat Albums from 2011 got the most play from you in 2012?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2757030&mesg_id=2757030
2757030, What Albums from 2011 got the most play from you in 2012?
Posted by stylez dainty, Mon Nov-19-12 11:20 AM
And how does it stack up to your Best of 2011 list (mental or otherwise) from a year ago or so?

The Roots - Undun (didn't make my list)
Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica (number one)
Serengeti - Family & Friends (made the list)
Davis - Davis (made the eps list)
King Krule EP (made the eps list)

Ones that made the list that didn't get as much play

Open Mike Eagle - Rappers Will Die of Natural Causes (my number 2, still like it, just didn't play it as much)
Ricardo Villalobos and Max L - RE:ECM - I did not play much idm leaning music this year. Still think it's great, but not where my tastes are at at the moment.
Kanding Ray - OR - This one I did play once on a walk and changed it. Didn't grab me like it did before.
Welcome Abroad - People Like Us - Tried playing it a few times, but I guess maybe it wore off a bit. Still like the approach to sound collage/mash up, but the showtunes, standards bent just isn't my thing I guess.