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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectCities Aviv - Black Pleasure - One of the year's best free releases
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2756240
2756240, Cities Aviv - Black Pleasure - One of the year's best free releases
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Nov-15-12 11:20 AM

Definitely not for everyone, and I could see a lot of fans from his last album being disappointed, since this is noisier and "hipper."

But this record is one of the best examples of a credible blending of the rap and indie rock sound I've ever heard. The beats are somewhere between Animal Collective and, I don't know, some messier Chillwave stuff.

Voice has heavy reverb, sounds like the Death Grips guy at his (relative) calmest. Lyrics mostly bitter. He has a good flow. Simple, but good.

A few of you will love this.

2756242, the gentleman and the scholar is here
Posted by howisya, Thu Nov-15-12 11:24 AM
thank you
2756245, RE: the gentleman and the scholar is here
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Nov-15-12 11:37 AM
I don't know if it's stress or financial strains or whatever, but I've spent an INSANE amount of time slopping through bandcamp/soundcloud and blogs for new rap this year. Like it would be embarrassing to say how much time I've spent. Honestly, the results have been very sad. About 7 mix cds worth of stuff. Which might sound like a lot, but compared to how much time I spent, it isn't.

One of these days I think I'll try to pull together the best and post it up, so I can feel this year wasn't a complete waste of time. Less hidden geniuses out there than you'd think.

Anyway, this was a good way to close out a year of panning for good free rap.
2756244, You had me at "indie rock"
Posted by MME, Thu Nov-15-12 11:36 AM
2756246, I know it's a dumb phrase, but people know what it means.
Posted by stylez dainty, Thu Nov-15-12 11:41 AM
Maybe not so accurate. This is very much a sampled sound. Not saying it's all sampled, but it's really chopped up and rearranged.

And I didn't want to say Pitchfork wet dream, which was one of my first thoughts, but too much baggage with that term. ANd they'll probably rate it low for all I know.