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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjecthow's everybody doing on their personL recording? what u been up to?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2754476
2754476, how's everybody doing on their personL recording? what u been up to?
Posted by judono, Wed Nov-07-12 06:58 PM
everybody making beats, writing rhymes, and doing shit.. how've yaLL been? what have u been up to LateLy on the music?
2754492, RE: One day couple months ago, I put a newly recorded song that I wrote. . .
Posted by Austin, Wed Nov-07-12 08:30 PM
. . .the day after my grandfather died fours year ago, on my Soundcloud. And within less than a day, there was a comment from someone (I'm assuming you) saying how they were going to steal the riff.

So, I deleted my Soundcloud.

That's how it's going.


2754496, dude, i've never been to your soundcLoud in my Life
Posted by judono, Wed Nov-07-12 08:37 PM
what are u taLking about bro? i'm sorry to hear about that situation. honestLy. that is not a good story. but why or how you brought me into this baffLes me bro. Like... i'm shocked...
Posted by Austin, Thu Nov-08-12 01:21 AM
>but why
>or how you brought me into this baffLes me bro.




2754538, lol classic Zoidberg quote
Posted by topaz, Thu Nov-08-12 04:25 AM
2754644, ^^ i'm convinced this boy (austin) & ninjitsu r the same cLowns
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 12:56 PM
if not, i know yaLL r giving each other head n shit. lol. get my dick out your mouth money! you & ninjitsu been gobbLin on my shit for many months.
2754666, I'd suggest you give that a rest
Posted by lonesome_d, Thu Nov-08-12 01:40 PM
2754675, RE: I'd suggest you give that a rest
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 02:06 PM
I think u repLied to the wrong post. I'm chiLLin and am aLways chiLLin. If somebody keeps on and keeps on and keeps on coming at me Like a bitch, they get spoken to Like a bitch. Austin & ninjitsu been coming at me heLLa fLagerant for a year now. same way with this post. I'm chiLLin. They Like to bring that fuck shit. I ignore most of it.
2754680, whatever, then
Posted by lonesome_d, Thu Nov-08-12 02:16 PM
2755088, RE: So, going by the official tally, now. . .
Posted by Austin, Fri Nov-09-12 07:26 PM
. . .I am, according to the people on this forum that don't like me, the following:


I will deny none of these accusations, as that would ruin the fun.


2755178, and i'm Grand_Styles, as outed by Dj Joey Joe
Posted by howisya, Sat Nov-10-12 10:27 AM
sooner or later, this board was going to figure me out, but i have a few more tricks up my sleeve... who will "we" be next? the saga continues...
2754577, RE: One day couple months ago, I put a newly recorded song that I wrote. . .
Posted by Gentle Jones, Thu Nov-08-12 10:30 AM
i put out a new record on vinyl

2754579, so it was you!
Posted by howisya, Thu Nov-08-12 10:31 AM
curse you, i never got to hear so many of his songs because of you!
2754639, is that you on track #2?
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 12:52 PM
2754693, RE: is that you on track #2?
Posted by Gentle Jones, Thu Nov-08-12 02:45 PM
are you talking about on the record? i am on the whole thing.

here is the digital version (free) if you care to listen:

2754764, RE: is that you on track #2?
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 05:52 PM
Let me give it a spin.
bout2 dL
2755017, RE: is that you on track #2?
Posted by Gentle Jones, Fri Nov-09-12 03:08 PM
hope you like it. there is some ska and rock and roll on it too.
2754583, been actually in a pretty good streak, I think
Posted by lonesome_d, Thu Nov-08-12 10:38 AM
have been holding a lot of the new music back from the Soundcloud page, but have been putting up a fair amt. of old stuff. But yeah, I've gotten a half dozen or so new tracks done (and two arrangements finished that need to be recorded) in the second half of the year, which is a lot for me.

The one new track I did put up was a rare slide guitar piece, going for 'stark' and I came out pretty happy with it (aside from the two places where the slide knocked the neck): http://soundcloud.com/lonesomedstringband/we-will-understand-it-better
2754643, i see u on the foLk music
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 12:54 PM
2754641, Preciate the wussup J!
Posted by _Torchbaras, Thu Nov-08-12 12:54 PM
Doin fine musically, thanks, bout to wrap up

a (nother) freelease street album with the homie, so thats jus a whole lotta rec., mixin, polishin ole beats and such...

also, im almost done with a buncha skeleton beats for an instrumental album/beattape, thatll serve as a promotional tool, hopefully catch the ear of some emcees outthere!

Thats bout it, you?
2754648, been a minute man
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 01:09 PM
nice to hear from u... Let us know as soon as either / or / both those projects drop. i'm Looking forward to hearing something from u that is a fuLL reLease. and soon. highLy anticipating.

the month of october was not what i thought it was going to be for me artisticaLLy.. but the creative thoughts &juices are just now starting to kind of come back around. i need to focus
2754650, Def. will do man...
Posted by _Torchbaras, Thu Nov-08-12 01:13 PM
Same to you, its always a fun ride to sit thru yo projects -

a musical playground if I ever heard one hah!!!
2754672, RE: Def. will do man...
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 01:59 PM
ALready! Have u heard the new kendrick Lamar aLbum? If so, what do u think of it?
2754678, Man, I tried...
Posted by _Torchbaras, Thu Nov-08-12 02:13 PM
I really did. Beats was jus too futurahop (in lack of a better term) for me to really get into it like that!

I dunno. Wasnt meant for me I guess. I see lots of people reactin like this a classic, if it is to them, fine...
2754762, RE: Man, I tried...
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 05:50 PM
hmm.. i was curious. to me it's one of the top 5 rap aLbums of the past 5 years.. maybe more. i thought the majority of the beats were fLavor and he did a exceLLent job of dropping a project that was very cohesive in terms of styLe, fLow, and groove (for the most part. i didn't Like the 'A MiLLi' sounding track, or the songs in the middLe caLLed "good kid" or "maad city").
2754786, Maybe I should give it...
Posted by _Torchbaras, Thu Nov-08-12 06:43 PM
another go round sometime soon, listen in depth...

Dunno, sooo many dope projects dropped this year that appeals to me in a whole nother way.
2754788, RE: Maybe I should give it...
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 06:50 PM
i wasn't a fan of kendrick before this aLbum. i reaLLy thought he set a brand new bar to beat. what are your 3 favorite records f/ 2012 so far?
2754795, Gotta be...
Posted by _Torchbaras, Thu Nov-08-12 06:58 PM
Trophies - Apollo Brown & O.C.

For The Record - Torae

KoleXXXion - DJ Premier & Bumpy Knuckles

And offa the beats alone:

The Purpose Of Confidence - Confidence & Purpose
2754652, RE: how's everybody doing on their personL recording? what u been up to?
Posted by K-Nan, Thu Nov-08-12 01:16 PM
Doing a MPLS local thing called Floodwatch with some Rhymesayers artists right now.. Just put together a rough tracklist for my tape based on beats I made or picked up in the last 6 months... Hopefully I drop the next tape early 2013. 2012 was a sunuvabitch of year honestly lol, woulda liked to be more active but health issues kinda kept me to the random features here and there and beatmaking
2754763, RE: how's everybody doing on their personL recording? what u been up to?
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 05:52 PM
man, what's the weather Like in minnesota right now?
2754766, RE: how's everybody doing on their personL recording? what u been up to?
Posted by K-Nan, Thu Nov-08-12 06:01 PM
Nearing the 30s already g. Its really real lol.. Northface weather for real.
2754767, RE: how's everybody doing on their personL recording? what u been up to?
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 06:02 PM
that's why i Love texas. i'm ready for the temp to drop tho so i can Layer it up Like a pLayer. hahah. its been mid 70s aLL week in november..
2754772, I'm openly hatin on that lol
Posted by K-Nan, Thu Nov-08-12 06:14 PM
2754789, RE: I'm openly hatin on that lol
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 06:51 PM
lol. i'm ready to rock the t shirt with the button up unbuttoned with the scarf and the lightweight jacket layered on top ... i think it miiight get into the 50s next week. i'm ready to record some chiLLy weather music man!
2754803, RE: I'm openly hatin on that lol
Posted by K-Nan, Thu Nov-08-12 07:40 PM
I feel you man. Winter out here really brings out the writer in you. That mid-winter, below 0, curled up in the crib type shit
2754684, Beat tape in the works, DJ set coming up, magazine, and shirt line.
Posted by Agency, Thu Nov-08-12 02:32 PM
2754765, RE: Beat tape in the works, DJ set coming up, magazine, and shirt line.
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 05:56 PM
how Long u been workn on the beat tape? Looks Like u got a bunch of shit in the mix
2754698, Land of Synth LP due for release 11.30.12
Posted by Musa, Thu Nov-08-12 02:57 PM

I got my whole city quietly shook. #Philly
2754787, RE: Land of Synth LP due for release 11.30.12
Posted by judono, Thu Nov-08-12 06:48 PM
hey brotha... i checked out your track. got a question for you. who do you have working with you on the beats? what are you currentLy doing in your downtime before you drop your new record? are you aLways recording shit?
2755343, RE: Land of Synth LP due for release 11.30.12
Posted by Musa, Sun Nov-11-12 10:39 AM
Peace thanks for listening most of my production on this up and coming album comes from people all over, but most of my production comes from local people I know, Writtenhouse, Arcka, to name a few.
2755353, RE: Land of Synth LP due for release 11.30.12
Posted by judono, Sun Nov-11-12 11:21 AM
i have a reaL strong recommendation for you bro. pLease, hoLLer at: _Torchbaras . i'm pretty sure he wiLL just give u one or two beats to rock out to. he has posted a few repLies in this thread.. his soundcLoud is: http://soundcloud.com/torchbaras .. give him a shout. touch base. get to know him a LittLe bit.

i wiLL aLso hoLLer at u very soon and have some charity for you.. but torch ... torch baras is a very gifted producer, he keeps it 100% & knockin and has a versatiLe boombap production paLette.. he is one of the most thorough & consistent i've heard on here , ever. i am good for that different, Left fieLd, raw--but i'm not ready for you just yet.. i'LL have some stuff for you to consider reaL soon. in the meantime, i'd Like to see you & torch connect & be part of this new
2755669, thanks a million I will hit him up
Posted by Musa, Mon Nov-12-12 11:58 PM
2754827, Released "Five Seasons" on 11/1
Posted by KillahK22, Thu Nov-08-12 09:53 PM
It's a digital album (for now) and I've gotten a pretty good response so far. I even have one song over an instrumental by an okp (small professor - see black sun). Check it out. It's starting to buzz around little blogs here and there

2755352, ----
Posted by judono, Sun Nov-11-12 11:11 AM
where are you from man?
2755081, Well, since nehgrah's is askin...
Posted by Mongo Slade, Fri Nov-09-12 06:12 PM

Just finished my latest joint:

check here: http://mephonics.com/

or here: http://soundcloud.com/mephonics/experienced

wurd -
2755082, ? wasnt big pooh workn on some new shit? what pea got goin on?
Posted by judono, Fri Nov-09-12 06:19 PM
2755163, RE: how's everybody doing on their personL recording? what u been up to?
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Sat Nov-10-12 08:28 AM
Finally got back into it after about six months of not being able to do anything. Starting writing again and I remixed and polished a couple of old beats. I need to record vocals for about 12-15 more tracks and then mix and finish those up. (I recorded vocals for 11 songs last December so I need to make a mixing schedule) I'm planning to put out a mix "tape" and an album with all these tracks. I'll be really trying to put together a solid album this time and dumping everything else haphazardly onto the Bandcamp mixtape.

I also want to put out an instrumental album. I have a bunch of beats that I probably won't ever write to, so I want to come up with some kind of theme and put out 15-20 of them. I'll probably make some new beats that will be good enough to add to this project between now and finishing up my album and mixtape so I'll definitely have a good pile of beats for this.

I still need to get a website put up. I bought the URL and server space but haven't touched it yet. Life just keeps getting in the way. New job, new city, 2 year old, death in the family, etc. I also have been trying to post to Facebook and Twitter and get more likes/followers. I realized I'm really going to need to do some performances and put out some music, I've been running on the fumes of the album from last fall.

Herb-One "The One & Only"

iTunes: http://bit.ly/xD1XtY
2755174, RE: how's everybody doing on their personL recording? what u been up to?
Posted by judono, Sat Nov-10-12 09:44 AM
herb, i'm going to give u an idea / suggestion for your next project:

how about if you did something new and different for your next project? make the whole next project But-- do not rap. but instead-- do the whole EP in a spoken word format over very chiLL, thought provoking production. forget traditionaL hiphop aLtogether when you're making the beats , and forget the traditionaL 'rapping' format... touch on reaL Life topics from your worLd or shit that is cLose to your heart and mind. but express it in a spoken word deLivery... stiLL have the rhyming words,... but have the deeper criteria, content, and break em with a brand new deLivery. and break em with a new Left-fieLd soundscape..

i made it from track #1-track #6 on your bandcamp. the aLbum cover was cooL.
2755361, I've been beating pretty steady lately. Just got my stuff back.
Posted by JeffyWiggerMan, Sun Nov-11-12 12:36 PM
It was at Horace's house for the past few months so my mom had to go get it for me. I needed to practice a lot but I'm back to normal now. I need more disks for the beat things, though. Is there a store that sells them still?
2755371, not my music in particular
Posted by SsenepoD, Sun Nov-11-12 02:25 PM
but since Stankpalmer hasn't come in here yet I'll post it for him.

His group DLRN (Jon Reyes producing, mc Sean Lamarr, singer Iman Malika) have a new project coming out on 11/27 called Awakenings. This is the first single & video from the project & imo their best yet (which is saying a ton since I think they have some of the better videos out).

2780585, RE: how's everybody doing on their personL recording? what u been up to?
Posted by I MAKE MUSIC, Thu Feb-21-13 11:47 PM
>everybody making beats, writing rhymes, and doing shit..
>how've yaLL been? what have u been up to LateLy on the