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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectPalms face: New Stevie Wonder track for Obama : Keep Moving Forward
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2752201
2752201, Palms face: New Stevie Wonder track for Obama : Keep Moving Forward
Posted by Tim The Creator, Sun Oct-28-12 09:13 PM

No Thanks Stevie.

2752212, RE: Palms face: New Stevie Wonder track for Obama : Keep Moving Forward
Posted by jmaestro, Sun Oct-28-12 10:32 PM
Can't wait to hit the dancefloor to this :-l
2752268, Damn.
Posted by blueeclipse, Mon Oct-29-12 10:37 AM
I don't wanna dis Stevie Wonder, but WTF is this shit? Wow.
2752295, i kinda like it, man. ©
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Mon Oct-29-12 11:38 AM
sure the lyrics are heavy handed, but it's not like he wrote it for the pop charts. *shrugs*

i also don't mind listening to I Just Called and Don't Drive Drunk every now & then. *shrugs*

(aka #StevieStan)
2752297, I thought it was just me.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Mon Oct-29-12 11:41 AM
It's not "great" or even approaching great by any means... but it's not sickening either.
2752314, word. i've heard worse by Steve and by others nowhere near.
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Mon Oct-29-12 12:15 PM
2752316, LMAO
Posted by Dr Claw, Mon Oct-29-12 12:16 PM
>i also don't mind listening to I Just Called and Don't Drive
>Drunk every now & then. *shrugs*
>(aka #StevieStan)

also a #StevieStan of this degree
2752451, ye, cept diffrence is this sucks while the others have 80s appeal
Posted by araQual, Mon Oct-29-12 07:24 PM
n damn, Stevie is blinder than i thought.

2752469, stay out of this, you filthy hippie. n/m.
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Mon Oct-29-12 08:43 PM
2752482, really
Posted by Tim The Creator, Mon Oct-29-12 09:16 PM
>sure the lyrics are heavy handed, but it's not like he wrote
>it for the pop charts. *shrugs*
>i also don't mind listening to I Just Called and Don't Drive
>Drunk every now & then. *shrugs*
>(aka #StevieStan)
2753014, I hear you, fam... but ionno wassup with the off-keyness during the
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Wed Oct-31-12 02:21 PM
verses. And the way he was singing the verses sounded like he was *trying* to sound wounded.
Ionno b. Shit was weird.
I have heard worse songs though. The melody picked up a bit during the bridge and chorus.
This diminishes no jot or tittle from Stevie's legacy, but damn.
2752352, *TURNS OFF ASAPEDLY* Fuck.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Oct-29-12 01:56 PM
2752470, ^^^ DJ R(epublican)-Tistic
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Mon Oct-29-12 08:45 PM
2753021, http://i43.tinypic.com/10rsits.gif
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Oct-31-12 02:35 PM
2752474, not even gonna click that link to confirm it's terribleness
Posted by Bombastic, Mon Oct-29-12 09:00 PM
2752510, wish i had done that
Posted by drugs, Mon Oct-29-12 10:25 PM
i went against my gut instinct! i gotta go have a talk with god now.
2752485, goddamn this is complete shit. sounds recorded on VHS
Posted by DolphinTeef, Mon Oct-29-12 09:29 PM
2752486, And yet i still love you Uncle Stevie.
Posted by rtoriq, Mon Oct-29-12 09:29 PM
i'm just mad it sounds like Barack is gonna let his Hussein come out w/ a Kheffiyah and start snappin his fingers
2752488, I see the Lesson getting joy out of shitting on Stevie
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Oct-29-12 09:49 PM

You guys are pathetic

Your favorite musician has more shitty songs in their
catalogue than Stevie


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2752525, fam...you must be bored as shit.
Posted by DolphinTeef, Mon Oct-29-12 11:23 PM
Posted by Kosa12, Tue Oct-30-12 12:00 AM
2752578, you the one shitting on a blind man, doggie
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Oct-30-12 08:12 AM



Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2752669, no one is shitting on his legacy or disability
Posted by DolphinTeef, Tue Oct-30-12 12:44 PM
you, however, are desperately attempting to troll.

hence...my suspicion that you are bored. you usually pick your battles with more tact.
2752583, stevie's pretty much the greatest of all time.
Posted by ninjitsu, Tue Oct-30-12 08:44 AM
this song is still fucking awful.
Posted by Laz aka Black Native, Mon Oct-29-12 10:08 PM

2752506, the drudge report is gonna run wild with this!
Posted by drugs, Mon Oct-29-12 10:22 PM
oh no! lol
2752494, Don't Drive Drunk 2012
Posted by Laz aka Black Native, Mon Oct-29-12 10:09 PM
Dr. Claw would LOVE this, lmao!
2752513, lol
Posted by drugs, Mon Oct-29-12 10:26 PM
>Dr. Claw would LOVE this, lmao!
2752577, Did he make a new one? LOL
Posted by Dr Claw, Tue Oct-30-12 08:05 AM
2753016, RE: Don't Record Drunk 2012
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Wed Oct-31-12 02:23 PM
2752524, This song might cost Barack the election
Posted by bnicedh, Mon Oct-29-12 11:14 PM
....and I LOVE Stevie
2752531, :chortle:
Posted by rdhull, Mon Oct-29-12 11:55 PM

I'm not a heroin addict..I just 'dabble' in it
2753009, He doesn't sound well. The singing's not good.
Posted by CRM, Wed Oct-31-12 01:58 PM
Song's a dud too :(
2753018, To be fair, I've always been iffy about his more "political" songs
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Wed Oct-31-12 02:33 PM
outside of You Haven't Done Nothin'. I'm not even big on Happy Birthday, even though it's an anthem.
Stevie's "social ills" songs have always sounded a bit heavy-handed and corny, to me.
I'm not one to call people "preachy" for making songs that are actually *about* something, but Stevie
comes across that way, for me personally, when he goes there. Seems like he's at his best when
singing about....
well just about anything except politics.
2753173, Freal??? Even "Big Brother"?
Posted by rtoriq, Thu Nov-01-12 01:22 AM
Cash in Your Face? Or Misrepresented People? (Bamboozled soundtrack).
Or even Black Man? (Which is sort of similar to the above song i guess)
2753195, You know what
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Thu Nov-01-12 06:42 AM
maybe I'm trippin', because I like all those songs lol. Only one I consider "political" though is Big Brother.
The rest do fall under "social ills" joints, so probably chose the wrong
phrase there.

This song simply reminds me of Happy Birthday, where he's pointedly making a song about specific
figure. I skip Happy Birthday every single time I play Hotter Than July.

Funny thing about Misinterpreted People is that I find it heavy handed as hell, yet it's one
of my favorite songs ever.
2753204, ^See, now motherfuckers just done jumped off the deep end.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Nov-01-12 07:19 AM

Good god


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2753023, yo f'real, DRUNK on election night after obama's victory
Posted by come on people, Wed Oct-31-12 02:39 PM
i will be GETTING DOWN to this!!!!!!
2753040, eh...lots of songs coming out recently.....
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Wed Oct-31-12 03:27 PM
this one...Andre Cymone....Martin Luther McCoy...

it's all good...
2753183, LOL, this does kind of sound
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Nov-01-12 04:24 AM
like some Middle Eastern take on "Don't Drive Drunk". I'm wondering what drove that decision to write the song like that. Is Stevie trolling?

I'm expecting to hear the beginning of the Muhammad Hassan song any second now.

but what is up with the way Stevie is singing? That's the only thing that's bothersome, IMO.

"Don't Drive Drunk" better though.

2753196, I'm tellin' you, man. He's sounding wounded on purpose.
Posted by Ashley Ayers, Thu Nov-01-12 06:44 AM
>but what is up with the way Stevie is singing? That's the only
>thing that's bothersome, IMO.

Like I was saying above, it picks up a bit at the bridge and chorus, but everybody's already turned off by then.
2756649, http://i41.tinypic.com/245y5af.jpg
Posted by tREBLEFREE, Fri Nov-16-12 10:52 PM

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2756751, this shit and prince vikings fight song need to be in a time capsule
Posted by Basaglia, Sat Nov-17-12 03:04 PM

because thousands and thousands and thousands of years from now when humanity has evolved to the attain near-perfect spiritual enlightenment and we're done with war and the manufacturing of trivialities to keep us separate and at odds, our descendents are going to need reminders of who we were and just how fuckin wack even THE BEST and most BRILLIANT among us could be...and if they're not careful, the entire species be that wack again.

now, i gotta go jerkoff to forget i ever heard that.