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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: what are the 5 best songs?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2750786&mesg_id=2751810
2751810, RE: what are the 5 best songs?
Posted by judono, Fri Oct-26-12 12:31 PM
to me? 6 track EP. in this order:

best 2 joints:
-ups & downs
-5 minute freshen up

then ,these 4 in any order:
-Lovers & mountains (shit reminds of DiLLa on the mic, just bareLy, but a LittLe. r.i.p.)
-dress u to undress you
-maybachs and diamonds
-ready or not

if this was just a 5 or 6 song EP reLease, we'd probabLy be taLking about the project in a different Light.

he's a fLossy rhymer with some of that brag rap swag... but he's rhyming about fLossy shit that he's reaLLy doing. and it's on some pLayboy shit, so i'm not mad at the songs that i'm feeLing. i think he's a taLented ass dude on the beats, rhymes, and singing and i know this aint the best shit he can come up with. i'LL be checking for him in the future.