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Topic subjectThe Weeknd - Trilogy
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2745698
2745698, The Weeknd - Trilogy
Posted by Oak27, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
Universal Republic will release the Weeknd's three mixtapes, along with three new tracks, on November 26 as a bundle called Trilogy.

Artwork for Trilogy: http://atrilli.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/the-weeknd.jpg

These were 3 of my favorite projects from last year, and I'm psyched that they are going to be released as one with some new tracks included. All of these albums can easily be played back-to-back-to-back as if they were one album, so it only makes sense to officially release them in this fashion. Could be a great time to get some friends into The Weeknd. That being said, I can see any of the albums from the trilogy as somebody's favorite, so what's yours?

My favorite is probably Thursday, followed by House of Balloons and then Echoes of Silence. Favorite tracks: The Fall (EOS), Heaven or Las Vegas (T), The Morning (HOB), High For This (HOB), Rolling Stone (T)

New video for "Rolling Stone" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORVz_qeKgvg

Poll question: The Weeknd - Trilogy

Poll result (31 votes)
House of Balloons (22 votes)Vote
Thursday (6 votes)Vote
Echoes of Silence (3 votes)Vote


2745709, yeah definitely copping this..hopefully the new mastering/mixing
Posted by Hellyeah, Thu Oct-04-12 09:52 AM
is on point
2746168, based on the song posted in OKP news I'm worried
Posted by xangeluvr, Fri Oct-05-12 06:20 PM
Few weeks back Wicked Games was posted and I did not like the new mix.
2745710, cover is surprisingly work safe
Posted by howisya, Thu Oct-04-12 09:54 AM
whether it's a good cover is up to debate... my real concern is if they changed the music at all, as some of those songs had samples that i am sure weren't cleared the first time. i'd love to support. that was indeed some of the best music to come out last year and all the more impressive from a newcomer.
2745712, All I know is that if he don't release a studio version of...
Posted by Crash85, Thu Oct-04-12 09:58 AM
Wicked Games (acoustic), I'm gonna be pissed...

I'm interested in hearing the new mixes on the songs, but I'm not sure if I'm interested enough to actually buy it... Also really depends on how much they trying to sell this thing for...

I played the shit out of all 3 of the mixtapes... Saw him when he came to the city... Show felt more like a Weeknd sampler than an actual concert...

I love that this dude has blown up... It's pretty cool to see how so many people know of him now...

The Knowing, The Morning, Loft Music, Birds 1 & 2, Rolling Stone, Gone, Initiation, The Fall, Next are my favorites...
2745764, My order goes HoB > EoS > Thurs
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Oct-04-12 12:38 PM
>My favorite is probably Thursday, followed by House of
>Balloons and then Echoes of Silence.

2745775, THE WEEKND was the best thing about last year
Posted by Phreak, Thu Oct-04-12 01:14 PM
All three tapes were incredible. Can't wait to see whats next.

my overall fav. was Thursday
2745825, Vinyl.
Posted by BigReg, Thu Oct-04-12 03:44 PM
Anything else is a waste; we don't need more MP3's and cd's are moot at this point.
2746156, RE: Vinyl.
Posted by foresight, Fri Oct-05-12 05:48 PM
yes and yes
2745855, All 3 are great, but HOB is just on a whole notha level...
Posted by SanFrancisco, Thu Oct-04-12 06:06 PM
He's currently opening for Florence and the Machine...
2745875, tomorrow at the Shoreline....
Posted by Crash85, Thu Oct-04-12 07:36 PM
I'm thinking about going...
2745953, Same. Tix aren't that expensive, but I hate Shoreline.
Posted by SanFrancisco, Fri Oct-05-12 02:27 AM
2745979, Yeah, I'm trying to find closer seats....
Posted by Crash85, Fri Oct-05-12 06:40 AM
not a fan of the lawn... I figure I might as well just buy the dvd if I'm gonna sit on the lawn...
2745954, Anyone listen to the remastered version of Wicked Games?
Posted by SanFrancisco, Fri Oct-05-12 02:28 AM
remastered: http://hypem.com/track/1pttj/The+Weeknd+-+Wicked+Games+(Remastered)

original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9PuAm7d0PA
2745966, Yeah.....it's the only thing that has me worried about this project
Posted by FrancisC, Fri Oct-05-12 03:50 AM
All of the extra elements that have been added to this new version are unnecessary.....maybe it's because I've played the original into the ground, but this sounds vastly inferior. I really hope he hasn't played around too much with the songs for this official release (and, as the poster above says, that the presumably uncleared samples on the original albums don't have to be removed).

Still, it doesn't sound like anything's been done to Rolling Stone in the new video, so I'm hoping this version of Wicked Games is the exception (or even, fingers crossed, just a 'bells-and-whistles' radio mix). I've gotten so much play out of the three albums over the past two years that I'll be putting my money down on November 13 in any event.

2745969, Sounds way too polished. The OG was perfect how it was
Posted by im_freshhh, Fri Oct-05-12 04:46 AM
2746139, & that hi-hat they added in the chorus is stupid
Posted by im_freshhh, Fri Oct-05-12 04:09 PM
2746064, They are making changes just for the sake of making changes.
Posted by SanFrancisco, Fri Oct-05-12 12:13 PM
2746162, RE: Anyone listen to the remastered version of Wicked Games?
Posted by foresight, Fri Oct-05-12 06:03 PM
i dig it. I certainly hold the original releases in high regard, and I'm not trying to undermine anyone else's opinion, but to me, there's a real danger in being overly critical of an envevor such as this. I played the shit out of the ogs, and I'm sure I won't dig some if not all of the remasters as much, but I'm looking forward to seeing a slightly different manifestation of the artistic notions that gave birth to the original material. I'm gonna approach the first listen as though it's an album of remixes, and go from there.
2756544, all i know is this shit is jamming. regardless of which version it is
Posted by Binlahab, Fri Nov-16-12 01:08 PM
no stinking message

do or die
2747739, where's the low end on echoes of silence?
Posted by soundsop, Thu Oct-11-12 11:20 AM
i thought my speakers were broken the first time i listened to it

compare a song like the morning, where it sounds like it's building to something and then the 808 hits at the hook:


to a song like the fall, where it sounds like it's building to something and... nothing:


drums finally kick in at the very end, but no bass

then on a song like same old song, where it sounds like there actually is bass, it's WAY down in the mix:


house of balloons has that knock... echoes of silence does not, and it hurts it a lot
2756536, Agreed
Posted by Eric B Is Prez, Fri Nov-16-12 12:52 PM
Echoes was completely thin on the low end. It's one of the reasons I haven't really gone back to it. It just sounds tinny to me.
2747778, Thursday was my fav...THe birds part 1 and 2 is heat rock
Posted by Menphyel7, Thu Oct-11-12 01:50 PM
2755898, i just picked this up for $9.99.
Posted by howisya, Tue Nov-13-12 06:59 PM
i haven't listened yet so i can't say how different it is or even if the bonus tracks are any good, but i'm glad i got it. it looks beautiful, it has the respective original photos/artwork in the three separate booklets, and finally you can know who exactly did what and where--full credits. aside from the fact that the (still lossy but very good) 320 kbps mp3s were free, $9.99 is an excellent value for 3 of the best releases of last year and the most impressive introduction to any artist in recent memory. some artists never make this much good music in their entire career.
2755928, RE: i just picked this up for $9.99.
Posted by Goose, Tue Nov-13-12 10:00 PM
the record store i went to didnt have it

but they didnt have the new murs or sufjan either.
2755901, the dreamlike quality of Thursday is kinda lost in the remaster
Posted by Phreak, Tue Nov-13-12 07:03 PM
Especially during the title track and the birds pt. 2. Otherwise I think the remaster is pretty amazing. The bonus tracks are great too. Valerie is just....
2755960, A lot of people complained when Thursday came out...
Posted by Crash85, Wed Nov-14-12 03:07 AM
that his vocals on those tracks were drowned out by the beat... I didn't agree, but you can definitely tell they turned the vocals up for the re-master... Doesn't sound bad though...
2755925, I really want to support and buy this..
Posted by inpulse, Tue Nov-13-12 09:15 PM
but I really have no use for CDs.

If he releases on vinyl I'm all over it. These three albums are probably my most played new albums in the past several years.
2755961, I'm probably gonna go buy this later today...
Posted by Crash85, Wed Nov-14-12 03:10 AM
still pretty irritated there is no acoustic version of Wicked Games... He's been going out and performing that song acoustic to end pretty much every show on his tour and he can't release it officially?? Kinda lame... Great price for 3 albums though, so I really can't complain...
2756512, He's on deck to come in at #2 behind One Direction's new album, wtf?
Posted by BigReg, Fri Nov-16-12 12:20 PM
They are estimating over 100k sold in a week. Two questions:

1)Are they doing that whole 'each disk counts as a separate release?' thing?

2)Is he that big in the mainstream to break what basically counts as gold in 2012? He's killing his tour, but in the music biz 2012 people seem hungrier for live shows then ever (ie. Sigur Ros playing Madison Square Garden proper where ten years ago they probably could barely sell out the mid sized theater inside)
2756514, he has a cult following of sorts
Posted by tomjohn29, Fri Nov-16-12 12:22 PM
went to a show of his this year
shit opened my eyes
2756516, you can't pirate a concert ticket
Posted by howisya, Fri Nov-16-12 12:27 PM
i've been casually watching who plays and sells out MSG over the last few years, and it's pretty wild in context of their lack of airplay (yes, i still listen to the radio) and paltry record sales (in comparison with yesteryear). i also feel like sigur ros was more popular 10 years ago, but maybe my opinion about their music is distorting my perception of reality. as to the weeknd, i don't think it's exactly the number of discs but the number of minutes that makes a copy count as two or in this case probably three copies sold. i still wouldn't see him live yet simply because i remember the feedback on his initial shows, but maybe he's improved.
2756595, RE: He's on deck to come in at #2 behind One Direction's new album, wtf?
Posted by CMcMurtry, Fri Nov-16-12 03:52 PM
>1)Are they doing that whole 'each disk counts as a separate
>release?' thing?

No. That is a practice used by the R.I.A.A. for album certification (and measures how many albums were shipped out, not actually sold). This is Soundscan, who simply count how many physical units were scanned by retailers using their system. Two completely different things.
2756681, bought 2 days ago, its 90% better
Posted by xangeluvr, Sat Nov-17-12 05:32 AM
the remaster or re-recording of the songs mostly sounds good. there are a couple songs to me that are worse. for example, on Thurday on the song Heaven or Las Vegas i feel like the guitars that come in on the new recording lack some punch that the original had. i always loved those guitars.

overall though, for the $10 i spent this is an amazing package and i have no 2nd thoughts about buying it even though i already had the free original releases.