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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: oh he so dried up, he sounds so bored and tired
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2743030&mesg_id=2743664
2743664, RE: oh he so dried up, he sounds so bored and tired
Posted by j_bhadra, Tue Sep-25-12 09:54 PM
>you are so gotdamn negative......that arrangement was GOOD
>especially considering that it is from a past unreleased

hahaha... I'm just a negative person right?

Please explain the part where you say the arrangement was good especially considering that it is from a past unreleased song?

What the hell does that even mean?

Prince is bored and appears to be running through the motions these days - part of the problem are dorks like you who give the guy a pass on everything.

Have a nice day!!!