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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectcurren$y X quasimoto = Jeremiah Jae Raw Money Raps (brainfeeder)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2723853
2723853, curren$y X quasimoto = Jeremiah Jae Raw Money Raps (brainfeeder)
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed Jul-25-12 10:36 AM
I have been looking forward to this for what feels like forever. Happy to report it's really good. Very reminiscent of madlib, although Jae goes digital and loud where Madlib goes analogue and musty.

Flying Lotus produces a great song on here. Don't let the first song (second track) throw you off. It's probably the most difficult beat on here (I still like it).

For the most part Jae's raps are very lethargic, which actually sounds great to my ears, but on a few songs he shows off some more "traditional" skills, or at least he and some of his guest rappers do.

Sea$ons is still a classic song, so if you haven't heard that already, it will likely be the highlight to you.
2723854, interesting comparison
Posted by imcvspl, Wed Jul-25-12 10:41 AM
i think it works as jae's skills are probably somewhere in the middle though i don't want to say Curren$y is better. More pronounced maybe. Jae is stone laid back some times heady but never wordy rap heady just like what is this dude talking about, am I high enough. Or maybe that's the beats. I like the project.
2723856, When I first heard Jae I thought:
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed Jul-25-12 10:47 AM
This is for people that just wish Curren$y would calm down a bit.

It's a great project. Not sure if it's something that will be great for a long time, but I hope it at least gets in the ears of other rappers and producers and gets them to consider some new things. Mainly a redefinition of what types of beats can be rapped over.
2723899, Cat Fight produced by Flying Lotus
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed Jul-25-12 12:41 PM
2724012, Love this album.
Posted by Admbmb, Wed Jul-25-12 03:50 PM
Very rich sound to it. I'm more of a vibe listener in that I like environments and "how it sounds" almost more than what it is. This whole thing is ear candy....perfect for zoning out.