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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectLMAO! That's actually a good way to describe it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2704465&mesg_id=2704534
2704534, LMAO! That's actually a good way to describe it
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed May-30-12 02:57 PM
>It's primarily the Bob Digi and after-era. It's like he
>decided to amplify his speech impediment and speak as sloppy
>as possible, drenching the mic in alcohol-induced sweat and

yeah. RZA was my favorite rapper in the Wu, he wasn't at the beginning.. but from '95-97 he definitely was. many parts of Bob Digi kind of made me squint, like "what is this dude on"? There were tracks I liked but after all this time waiting for that RZA solo, I wanted to hear a TICAL-like album, with him rapping like he did on Gambinos.