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Topic subjectEl-P's C4C album release show last night
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2701851, El-P's C4C album release show last night
Posted by thesickboi, Tue May-22-12 12:27 PM
I'm sorry for those of y'all who missed it.

Despot was dope. He is one tiny dude. Pound-for-pound one of the best rappers out there though...

Mr. Muthafuckin eXXquire LITERALLY showed up late and PUSHED his way through the crowd, and then brought some fun energy to the stage.

There was even an Action Bronson sighting, but he didn't perform unfortunately.

El did the whole album front to back. I'm a picky listener, so he definitely didn't have some of the shit down perfect yet, but most people didn't notice and it honestly didn't affect the vibe of the show at all. Seeing Killer Mike up there was incredible, too. They have a great chemistry.

There was this interesting feeling I got that all these MCs treat El like their favorite Uncle. They all kept talking about how much they love him, which was cool.

Also, Killer Mike made a comment about how finally the world is on El's dick, and I couldn't agree more.

All in all, GREAT show.
2701929, Nice.
Posted by Original Juice, Tue May-22-12 02:55 PM
I guess it's just the classic case of the artist before his time.. except in El's case, the timing was just right as "the times" may be catching up to him in his prime.
2701991, yea man. good hangin out with ya...
Posted by al_sharp, Tue May-22-12 04:27 PM
go figure i end up right next to another okp without even realizin it. lol.

2702039, RE: El-P's C4C album release show last night
Posted by spidey, Tue May-22-12 06:28 PM
damn...ish like this makes me want to move back to NY...we rarely get dope shows out here in this city...jealous...
2702088, had a great time
Posted by amplifya7, Tue May-22-12 08:28 PM
despot needs to put out an album or mixtape
my biggest take away from the night was I need to listen to more eXquire

c4c front to back was cool, but the highlights of the night for me were him coming back with EMG and then closing with Deep Space 9mm...those were so hype
2702239, Would love if that lineup would go on tour together.
Posted by CondoM, Wed May-23-12 03:38 AM
I wish I could have been there.
2702242, ask and you shall receive
Posted by L.E.S., Wed May-23-12 03:55 AM
2702244, Hah, the trouble is that I'm not in the US anymore.
Posted by CondoM, Wed May-23-12 04:12 AM
That's as good a reason as any to go back early though.